Thursday, December 31, 2009

Okay, I'm back from Library-ing & popular-ing. :)
Updating the webcaming pictures!

Hmm mm.
The rest are at fb. Lazy to upload more. xD
I think we spent more time talking thn doing the homeworks lo.
And thanks to Jocelyn Tan mei xin who ask me to teach her poa, I didn't get to do my poa.
Which also means tht I must do it by ... sunday?
Hopefully I can get it done. :)
Heheheehe, oh.
And while me & Jingwen sat at the tables, we shared it with 2 koreans.
Hahahaha, I didn't notice till Jingwen told me tht their gum are in korean words.
The guy's kinda cute with the curls. C:
But he's younger though. Like 11+? And he looks like JUNHO LAH. Just so Robbert. HAHA.
Oh, and thankyou Jocelyn tan for the usb cable. :)
Ohmans, it less thn 5days till sch re-open.
I bet sureeeeely gt some who nvr even touch their homework.

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