Thursday, December 3, 2009

5 more days..

5 more days..
Counting the days.
Anw, Kangin in not longer being charged. Heheheehehe.
Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay! He can performed with Suju alrrrrr. :D And I miss his super lots of craps jokes. :B
Bought 2PM Jay's keychain for myself & bought Wooyoung's for Fathin. She's been finding it for ages, so I'm being a very kind soul to help her buy. HAHA. Please return me back $3plus. Hoheho.
Okaaaays, I'm gna go watch Special A now. Super niceeeexzxzxz.
Jussssst like Ouran only. Thankyou bonding & Fangying for introducing this show to me.
5moredays, here I come! ^^

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