Thursday, December 31, 2009

Okay, I'm back from Library-ing & popular-ing. :)
Updating the webcaming pictures!

Hmm mm.
The rest are at fb. Lazy to upload more. xD
I think we spent more time talking thn doing the homeworks lo.
And thanks to Jocelyn Tan mei xin who ask me to teach her poa, I didn't get to do my poa.
Which also means tht I must do it by ... sunday?
Hopefully I can get it done. :)
Heheheehe, oh.
And while me & Jingwen sat at the tables, we shared it with 2 koreans.
Hahahaha, I didn't notice till Jingwen told me tht their gum are in korean words.
The guy's kinda cute with the curls. C:
But he's younger though. Like 11+? And he looks like JUNHO LAH. Just so Robbert. HAHA.
Oh, and thankyou Jocelyn tan for the usb cable. :)
Ohmans, it less thn 5days till sch re-open.
I bet sureeeeely gt some who nvr even touch their homework.

If you leave,

Currently Library-ing & using Jocelyn's lappy to blog.
I can't use the pink lappy cause it doesn't WORK. I hv no idea why. But it's okaaaaaaaay.
At least I get to use Jocelyn's internet + lappy.
Met Jingwen & Jocelyn at breadtalk & headed here.
All three of us bought along lappies. Ohmans. Jocelyn lah. lmao. xD
Okay, shall continue blogging ltr. (I think)

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

5 steps.

I found that kuku HTML at last. I saved it inside the pc w/o knowing it. -_-.
I thought I save it inside the lappy. But still.. Glad to have this skin back.

Dad woke me up at 11plus to get ready for flyer-ing.
Shower(ed) & took a taxi to flyer.
 Up up up up..
It took forever to reach the top lah. Thank goodness it took only less thn 30mins if not I'm gna be bored to death.
Like srsly. :/
Okaylar, quite worth it. $10 for students. Hah, but I'm not the one paying. Ladela ~ :)
 Will upload the photos asap!

Walk(ed) & ate.
Went homeeeeeeeeeeeee. And tada, blogging now. :)
Think I'm gna go Library tomorrow to borrow books.
Anybody wanna come along? I don't mind. lmao.

Oh. And I'm so excited for F.cuz's album nxt yr. They look damn hot. HAHA.
One of them looks like Kevin. xD

Ohmans, DooJoon's hottttttttttttt. I like his voices. Zomgggg. xD

I knw it's true,

Ohmans, I think Heechul's my sunshine part was he funniest.
I bet you'll laugh like crap. Tht's wht happen to me too. :P
And Teukie looks HAHA, Sungmin is cuteeeeee.

Oh gosh. My stomach hurts from all the laughing. :/

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

5 Steps,

Alrightttttttt. I'm super officially PISSED.
Tht's right. Kuku tht duck HTML thing. -________-.
Hmph ~

Woke up & catch Alvin & the Chickmunks 2 with aunt, cousin, sis & uncle David.
We dao-pao(ed) Mac/Subway inside. HAHAHA.
Super funneeeeeeh.
The show was much shorter thn the first but the songs were great.
But still... I prefer the first season. :)
After watching, walked around hub & headed to aunt hse.
Jussst bored only. Dinner(ed) & went home.

Oh crap, I just realise it's less thn a week till sch re-open.
But it's chao unfair laaaaaaaaah. Sec3s needed to go back sch for 2weeks, but we didn't get extra holidays. :/
I feel like punching whoever set this up.
According to my fatpig sis, she said that her yr didn't have this kind of stuff. Ohmans, how daomei can we be?
I wonder who's gna be our form teacher this coming yr.
I jussst hope it won't be ELEPHANT AGN.
Can't stand her nugget attitude ttm. And must see if she's in a good or bad mood tht day.
So ridiculous. -___-.
*Pray hard*
lmao. xD

Hahaahhaa, just watch 2pm You're beautiful Parody.
Wooyoung with his curls. HAHA, so cute.
But I think taecyeon cuter leh. :o Junho's okay cept his curls. LOL.
Super funny. Eunjung's inside too! ^^

Ohmans, this song is hot lah. Nickhun, Junho & Junsu's vocals are rlly good.
Dang! I think I'm addicted to this song. Opps. x_o.

Monday, December 28, 2009


2 PIG. xD

All those words;

My htmls are gone and I srsly doubt that I can find it.
Kay, whateverrrrr. I shall find another new one. :)
Well.. I watched Idol Army MBLAQ yst as wht I posted, and I found out something :D.
He can rlly play the Piano well though! Ohmans. xD
Plus, he's the ldr & he's super sweettttttt.
I mean, who could resist such gergeous ppl? HAHAH.
Hohohohohoho. x:

But still..
Siwonnieeeeee (L).
And I have to admit tht I didn't even like MBLAQ whn they just debut.
BEAST babes(?) are still the best though.
BEAST's singing is duh, better. While MBLAQ's dancing is better.
And MBLAQ gt shuaigesssss you knw.
Let's see..
SEUNGHO, Mir, Joon, G.O & Thunder. xD
I find G.O super cuteee, HAHAHA.
Even though he & seungho are the oldest. :P
Just Richard only. HAHA. Thanks Weipin for teaching us the new word.

Oh, & BEAST have a new song called Crazy!
Take a listen for yourself!
Hmm.. It's kinda catchy lah, but mystery is still better. Heh. (:
Overall.. love it!

Went to 313@Somerset with Gwen today to buy sch bag!
Bought this super exp yet super nice white/grey bag.
Gwen tan say tht's maybe she's gna buy the pink one or the same one as me.
Oh & the salesperson thr are super friendly lah.
SUPER can. Funny too! xD
After tht, headed to Orchard Central to have lunch.
Ate Moss and saw a chnl 8 celebrity. Didn't recognize her at first until Gwen told me. 
Walk around & headed back to 313@Somerset.

And guess who we saw.
So cute kaaaaay. x:
She was with her friend which gwen thought was her mum. LMAO.
Hi(ed) & Bye(ed) and headed to this shoe shop.
Bought this utra super nice flats(?)

Jealous? Probably yes! C:
And it cost me bout' $26plus. Not cheap okay. :/

Wanted to buy tops from Cotton On, but it's super CROWDED.
HMPH. >:/
Ohmaaaaans, I think I spend more thn $50plus today.
Thr goes my B'day money. :/
But still.. Hehehehehehe.
I don't mind. :)

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Because of you,

I totally gave up in doing homeworks.
Super cmi. :/ I mean.. Poa hw takes forever for me to solve laaaaah.
One question alr took me 20-30mins to solve.
Timothy says tht poa is easy but I doubt tht. >;/
Ohgreatttttt. I hvn start on any English book. Uh-oh.
Actually wnated to write on My Sister's keeper, but since Gwen's writing on it, I shall skip tht book thn.

I knw tht sch's starting which is like everyone's nightmare. And tht nxt yr's gna be a tough yr.
AND. I'm not done with my homeworks. Pffft.
I'm not being lazy to do it.. butttttttttt.
I always forget to do it. Heh.

Watched Oh! Brothers & Mblaq's Idol army today.
Hahahahaha, super funny only.
Oh & I'm having Magiee mee(s) with bout' 2spoons of CHILLI while I'm typing this.
Weird huh. xD
I (L) Chilli! :D

I think I'm abit bored blogging. You knw what I mean? :(


Saturday, December 26, 2009

So near yet so far..

Ohmans, I have no idea why I can't post up youtube videos here.
Perhaps ltr, I shall try agn. :)

Went to eoy service & headed to Miss carriage(according to Jamie) cafe at Bugis to have dinner!
Order Chicken something... lmao. I can't rmb wht I ordered laaah, but
I knw mine's the same with Nelson.
I think it's kinda worth it though, since we just need to pay $15.80 to enjoy that meal, with fruit punch, etc.
Talk(ed) & waited for the food to arrived.
Exchg(ed) food with darling who ordered grilled(?) fish even though it looks fried. HAHA.
And exchg(ed) food with Weipin who ordered the chicken leg.
Both of theirs, are supraaaaaa nice ehhhhhhhh. xD
Oh crap.
Shall resume posting ltr. >:/
An error occured......

Friday, December 25, 2009


Hehehehehe, got pressie for me?
I knw you have right, so I'll be waiting for it!

Went for Christmas service yst at jw. Woah, super crowded laaaaah.
Thank goodness we got seats!
Thankyou to whoever who book the seats even though we have to squeeze! :D
Much appreciated!
I simply ADOREEEE the Drama. Everyone lovessss it TTM!
It's just simply funneh. I love the part whn the guys scream whn they saw the beers.
It's like the advertisment we saw 'bout beers. The guys screamed, the ladies scream too.
HAHA, I love it lah. And the part whn the guys sang, " Tonight's gna be a good good night."
It's the super duper remix chc version of it.
And they were dancing like mad cows(?) Probably, they're "drunk."

After service, went to SAFRA@Jurong to makan.
JUST BIG ONLYYYYY. It's the biggest in sg, I think.
Went to the Japan foodcourt(?) to eat. I have no idea wht tht place was called, but Yishun have one!
Order(ed) somethingsomething chicken. HAHA. Idk wht it's called, cause duh. It's in Jap.
And I bought mango milk. It sound weird right. Don't get dirty. HAHA.
It's the cheapest tht's why I buy mah. Hehehe. x:
But tht stupid aunty doesn't want to give me discount even though I
lend that card from KahMeng. Hmph. -_-.
Weipin's mango yakult was so much better lah. >;/
Ate, chat & took many unglam photos of Joel. HAHAHAHA.
Me, fatpig & sarah were saying tht we're gna take lots of unglam pics of Joel & post it up on fb.
Chat & took more pics, and went home! :)

Dad woke me up at 11am to go ahgong's hse to celebrate Christmas.
Shower(ed) and tht told us tht he won 1st prize in some event tht took place in a hotel.
Fatpig tear open to see wht's inside, and we got a
So cool lah. Plus, it's hot pink. Even though Idlike hot pink, it looks awesome! :)

HAHA, so nice righttttt?
I knw I knw, don't be jealous of it. ^^

Went to ahgong's hse ; ate, watch tv, chat & give out christmas pressie.
HEHEHE, thank yous for the pressie cousin(s)! :D
Esp the mini fan that Sharon aunty gave it to me.
Reminds me of Fathin moo moo since the mini fan it a cow shape.
Went home(d)..
and here I am, blogging using the new sony mini lappy. While Fatpig's using the pc.
And currently, I'm also using the mini fan. HAHA.
Jussssst shuang only.
Christmas's gna be over in a few hrs huh.
:/ :/ :/!

I wanna spent Christmas with you..
But it seems impossible, rightttt?

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Hahahaha! Funny only. Sooyoung. xD

Turn the radio on,

Turn the radio on, 

I'm jussssst so tired, only. :/ 
Went for Registration this morning to afternoon. Quite fun, but tiring. 
After tht, headed to hub with Lye Yee to buy sushi(s)! 
Although I'm not a great fan of sushi(s), but since Lye Yee craves for it, I don't mind eating. :) 
Bought 2 egg sushi(s), 1 crabmeat and 1 "somethingsomething" 
That was my BRUNCH. I stuffed everything into my mouth lah.
Just hungry THM. :/

Homed, slept for 'bout 2hrs thn cmi alr. HAHA.
Gastric woke me up & I can't get back to sleep. 
Kuku chicken duck nugget. 
Which basically means that 4 Sushi(s) = Gastric.
How great it that. -_______-. 
But ohwells.. 
But still..

Just read 'bout 40 parts(?) of Zombie-Loan's manga. Ohmans, just read & addicted only.
Didn't realise I read it till the 61 part. 
Mangas don't usually attract me, but weirdly this does. Hmm mm.
Have to wait till probably next week thn the nxt few parts will come out.
Shall stop my nonsense now. 

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

I'm so tired.

I'm so tired.

*Sigh* I don't feel like posting anytime this week or maybe the next.
Just found out yst that Hankyung's gna terminate his contract.
Ohmans, first DBSK now Suju. :/
Jeez... really wonder whats wrong with SM nowdays. Their contracts are HELL.

I doubt I'm gna post any more of Berjaya Hills pictures. 
Anw, I gt a new Ipod nano! And it's GREEN. :) 
Thank goodness I gt it, since the person said that thr's only 2 left.
Hehehehehe. How lucky! :D

Ohmans, gotta wake up at like 5.30am tomorrow for the registration.
Ugh... And I'm so tired now. 
Slept for only 4hours. Zzzzz. -_-.
But still, I don't regret it. Hohoho.
Christmas coming(:
Muahahahahahahhaha, I want lots of pressie please! 

Thankyous, for being here with me. 

Sunday, December 20, 2009

It's been a long time

It's been a long time.

I'm gna post up pictures at Berjaya Hills which is
ugh. -.- Ohwell.
Monday (Day 1)



Sat this awesome double-decker-comfortable-bus.
I think it's rated 4stars cause we have to share the tv. :(
But still.. It's good! Since I nvr sat on one before. Hehehe.
Took 6-8hours to reach there. Up up up.
Reached, checked-in. We gt this super big master room lahhhhh.
Thr's living room, kitchen, computer table w/o pc. (-.-), tables, room, make-up desk, balcony and
toilet. So good right?
But it's super dirty only. Dad told us to wear shoes all the time.
And thr's no hair-dryer and slippers. Fatpig was
complaining like nuggets. And the toilet looks scary. LOLOL.
Fatpig says the first thing I did whn I went inside the room
is to on the tv. Hahahaha.
Like duh, tht's the only nice thing right? xD
But super guofen lah, thr's only 14channels. Thank goodness thr's Disney channel. *Phew!*
Walk around Berjaya Hills take pics here & thr.
We took only 'bout 1hr to explore the whole place. Tht place is super super small and thr's really nothing to see. Hmm mm. Went back to resort, WATCH TV, shower and headed out to dinner.
Basically it's what they do after 8.30pm. They don't serve dinner & all the
shops will be close by thn. Hurhur.
I was starving like a mad cow! :/
Headed back to resort & eat BREAD for dinner.
How pathetic can this be. -_______-.
Watch more tv tv tv and headed to sleep.....

Shall continue day 2 tomorrow! :)

Sunday, December 13, 2009

I'll be back.

I'll be back.

Zhoumi's Cantonese is super good. Ohmaaaans. Siwonnie(L).  

Celebrated coussie's birthday & mine together yst at my house. :)
Got adidas bag from Da jiejie & a weekly planner, pencil box from Xiao jiejie.
Thankyouuuuuu so much! :D

Before that, fatpig & me went Jurong Point to buy something for Dajiejie. Hehehehe. Super last min, but ohwell. We're always last min. Hoh. 
Fatpig saw a super nice bag thn she ask me to pay for her. -.- 
She say it's her belated birthday pressie. Whr gt liddat one lo. :(
Thn she just took the money out from my wallet. 
HMPH. >:/

Anw, I'm going Berjaya Hills tomorrow. :( Crapppppp.
I mean, it's 3days only. Shld have more days rightttttttttttttt.
Dad say Berjaya Hills is like SENTOSA. HAHAHAHA. Wht can you buy at Sentosa? 
Sand, stones, seashells? Probably Jellyfish too. :P
Hmm mm. And fatpig says tht thr's horse ridding thr. But I can't sit. 
Cause the horse will break it's leg whn I sit. (-.-)
She's being very ridiculous la, as if she's not heavy. At least I'm taller thn you. HAH. :D

Thr's a China version of Snsd & a Thai version of 2NE1. lmaoooooo ~ 
Super uglyxz only. :/ 

Don't miss me whn I'm away okay. I knw you guys will. Heeh. 
I'll try to buy things, provided thr's something to buy. 

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Silents kills it all

Silents kills it all

Oh and, Thankyou GwenTan/Feizhu for the Polar-bear-in-a-cave & the hp keychain! :)
Hehehehehe, appreciate it loads! 
Went Bugis with Jingwen and Gwen for AWHILE ONLY! >:/ I mean, we went thr..
Gwen & Jw ate while I watch, took some neoprints(._.) and went to Pure Milk to see if thr's any clothings that
catch our eyes. Sadly.. none. :( 
I think we spent thr less thn 2hours lah...........
Was thinking of buying something for my coussie b'day & some CLOTHES,
but oh well.. shall do it some other time!

After Bugis(ing), headed to Gwen's house to play Wii. Hohohohoo. 
We play till like thr's no tomorrow! Jusssst tired only. But still, it's a very good exercise for your arms(s?)
I meant.. if you're a right handle, surely you would use yr right hand to play. Hm, thn wht bout' the left hand?
Unbalance(d)? I think my right hand will have more muscles tomorrow thn my left. 
LOLLOLOLOL. Hehehehehe. C;

SuperJunior sorry sorry & it's you remix is outtttttttttttttttttttttttttt, like finally. 
Great overall, but I prefer it's you. :)  

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Happy birthday!

Happy Birthday to me, myself & I! (:

 Hehehehe. Like finally after so many months...
But.. it's gna end soon within 45mins? Ah crap. /: Good things always
end so soon huh.
Oh & Thankyous all for wishing me Happy Birthday! Appreciate it lots. C:

Anyway.. this yr's birthday celebration is weirder thn any other years. -_-.
Me, Fatpig & Daddy went to catch 2012 at shaw orchard.
Weird isn't it? To watch a movie on yr birthday.. It's abit disappointing too. :/
We book the 6.15pm show & went to walk around since thr's 2hours more before it starts.
Walk(ed) to Far East, had Hans for Tea & continue(d) window shopping thr.
Hahahahah, and something seriously funny happen(ed) thanks to my dad.
Went into one of the shops, see if thr's anything we wanna buy, Dad stay(ed) outside.
Look look look & suddenly dad was behind me & fatpig.
He pointed to one of the flower shirt " That one looks like Ahma's tee shirt."
He speak so loudly that I burst out laughing and rushing out of the shop. Fatpig too. ._."
Well, I think the shop owner heard it since she's just behind dad. I was telling Dad tht I'm not
gna step into tht shop agn since it's super embarrassing.. and that shop sells lady clothings not
 Auntie's clothing. lmao. xD

Walk around somemore & headed back to catch 2012. And something happen agn, thanks
to my fatpig sister. >:/
I sat in between Fatpig(Left) & Dad(Right) while waiting for the movie to start.
Suddenly an angmo walked to the seat beside dad and sat.
And he was laughing -.- thanks to my sis.
Reason: Whn he haven't sat, he look at me & smile, & of Cos' I smile(d) back. Whn suddenly fatpig force a popcorn into my mouth and I look like an utra idiot smiling with a popcorn in between my teeth.
Oh.. And fatpig says he look like the KFC guy. HAHAHAHAHA.
I think I cried watching 2012. -_-. I mean, who wouldn't?

Ohmans, 15mins more! :(
And the most outrageous thing that happen(ed) was whn some unknown ppl called me
& I picked up.

Unknown: Hello?
Me:  Uhm, Hi. 
Unknown: Are you Garung Guni (Rage-and-bone-man, according to fatpig)
Me: WHAT? Huh. Uh.. Wrong number.
Unknown: (Hahahahaha) Okay, thankyou. Bye.
Me: Uh, okay. Bye. -.- 

I told Granny, fatpig & dad.
And they hahahahahahahaahahahahahahahhha non-stop.
So now. Fatpig keeps calling me Garung Guni. -.-
It pisses me off. LOL.

You know what I mean? Hmppppph.
Okay, that's all. :)
 10mins more. OH CRAP.
I'm gna wait for another 365 days to my nxt birthday, which is
super nugget chicken duck(?) long.
BOOHOOOOOOOOO. :( I hope time doesn't goes on. But still..
Alibabababababaabba ~
Heheheheehehehe. C:

Sunday, December 6, 2009

2 more days..

2 more days..
Heh. Went to Clementi Hawker Center for dinner after service. Odered Chicken Cutlet but they gave me  Chicken Chop.. -_-. 
And it wasn't nice. (No wonder it's super cheap. $4.50) Cheap my feelings. :/
At least Jac's fish&chips taste better. Hmphhhhhhh ~ 
Jamie aka pea smsed at bout' 12am yst to wish me happy birthday. 
My birthday is 2more days lah. lmao at her. 
Pea: Happy Birthday MEIMEI! ;D
Me: Huh? LOL. My birthday on the 8.
Pea:  Today is, the eighth. -.- 
Pea: Ohwait, tdy's the sixth! LOLLOL. 
Tsk tsk, she ah. It's the fifth yst & she said it's sixth. Stm alr, hahahaha. 
Fatpig's not at home YAYYYYYYYYYY. She went for the marathon thingy thing. It's super good tht's 
she's not at home. If she's at home, no peace. -.- 
And the way she sleep, is like fighting with 아줌마. :@ 
 Oh.. And I watched all 24eps of Speical A within 3-4days. Hohohohoho. 
Just chiong like free only. :) I likeeeee it. Abit similar like Ouran! 
Currently watching 2pm & Shinne on Idol Army, agn. I miss jay. /: 
And good daddy is just funny only. xD
Somehow, I'm not excited tht it's just 2days away. 
It seems so... weird (I guess) 
Looking forward? /:  

Thursday, December 3, 2009

5 more days..

5 more days..
Counting the days.
Anw, Kangin in not longer being charged. Heheheehehe.
Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay! He can performed with Suju alrrrrr. :D And I miss his super lots of craps jokes. :B
Bought 2PM Jay's keychain for myself & bought Wooyoung's for Fathin. She's been finding it for ages, so I'm being a very kind soul to help her buy. HAHA. Please return me back $3plus. Hoheho.
Okaaaays, I'm gna go watch Special A now. Super niceeeexzxzxz.
Jussssst like Ouran only. Thankyou bonding & Fangying for introducing this show to me.
5moredays, here I come! ^^

Wednesday, December 2, 2009


Teletubbies dancing Ring Ding Dong? xD

Hahaha! Super cuteeeeee.

6 more days..

6 more days..
lmao @2:04 " I'm sorry but our Master Of Ear's brain is filled with nobody else but Kangin's."
 I wanna have Kangin Oppa's Signature too! :/
 HAHA. 1 Kangin's Signature is equivalent to 570 Eunhyuk's Signature. xD

I'm rotting rotting rotting rotting. Woke up at 12plus by Fatpig's irritating nagging & hitting. -_-. 
Ask me to accompany her to buy Brunch cause Granny's hungry. 
Rain(ed) whn we're going out of the house, so Fatpig & me each have an umbrella.
Was raining so heavily lah but Fatpig still wants to go to the market.
The traffic light was flooded like crazy, but thr's no choice ; still gotta cross it.. 
Laugh(ed) so hard while crossing. Cause she drop the handle whn she just cross. The umbrella was alr broken but she still wants to keep it. So it's like the brown brown handle drop & she's carrying the upper half.
Thn she 'eh? What's tht?' HAHAHAHHA.
Faster pick up & went off. Laugh(ed) like a mad cow. Fatpig was super ps to the max. But she says I'm making her even more ps cause I laugh super loud. 
Ohwell.. who couldn't resist laughing? Not me. :) 

Jussssst 6moredays. 
I'm waiting waiting waiting.. 
Heh. :B

I miss you.. :(  

Tuesday, December 1, 2009