Monday, February 1, 2010

Give me a few more minutes,

It's a sundayyyyyyy, which makes it the busiest + most crowded day in the entire week. No need to walk one, people just push here & thr can alr. It's so crowded tht you wouldn't even need to know where you're going. Cause a) Everyone's going the same place.
b) Everyone's pushing around, and you can't get out, no matter how much you squeeze with them.

Anyway, back to the shopping.
Met up with coussie at Bugis for lunch-ner and ate some kind of hongkong cafe. Not those usual ones. And the food is ohohohohhohh! :)
I ordered some kind of milk tea, but it taste much sweeter thn the usual ones. And the bread toast with condense milk and peanut butter. So sweet and peanut-ish. Can't finish and had to let fatpig eat. xD
Conclusion: If you wanna order the bread toast, MUST SHARE. Cause you'll be kinda sick eating so much. And the milk tea is okay lah. No much different. Order the normal milk tea would be better, and cheaper. :)

Fatpig ordered pork chop rice which I cannot tahan the taste. HAHA. It really taste weird. Cause it's like one side is cheeese topping, the other side is normal spaghetti sauce. And she also ordered lemon sprite. So not nice lo. I can do also kay. Tsk. She enjoy the pork chop rice but didn't finish. lmao.
 Conclusion: If you don't really like cheesy stuff and you're not very hungry, don't go for tht. Cause it'll make you super full. AND MUST SHAREEEE.

Xiao jiejie aka my cussie ordered some noodles, I think. Not sure what isit called. Shrimp noodles(?) It's nice leh. Must try. And she ordered salty sour plum drink which is THE BEST DRINK LAH. Oh OH, and she ordered a pan fried chee cheong fan. Super nice, but cannot eat too much. It's kinda like fried carrot cake, cept' for the inside part which is more chewy and I-don't-know-how-to-describe. But will get sick of it whn you eat too much. 
Conclusion: SHARE SHARE SHARE.  

After tht, headed shopping!!!! Ayiah. super long day only. Bought a korean super cute bunny white long shirt. Fatpig and Cussie bought super expensive hairbands. But..
Went bugis thn headed to ochard. hehehehehe. I just reach home not long ago. Shhhhhhh. And I'm still ss-ing. HAHA. Last paragraph and I'm off to bed. 
I'm so tired like, totally and srsly. Actually.. I've post only half-day leh.. HAH! The rest.. ayiah, don't bother alr. I'm so tired kay. 
Ladelalalallala ~


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