Monday, March 8, 2010


Ohmans, I look like a darn kuku. 
Didn't wanna upload the rest of my chao unglam
kuku pics. 
Everyone just stared at us, probably me instead. 
Just so paiseh can. :/ 
I'll try not to make a fool out of myself in/on the MRT
ever again. 
So robberttttt. 

Sometimes, bad things just happen.
We can't predict it, like when or how. 
But I'm just gna pray that somehow, all bad things would
just flush down the toilet bowl and nothing else.
Bad things = bad day(s)
Bad day(s) = mood swings
Mood swings = everyone :<
See, that's what I mean.  
I've never never never never like those days. 
Just spoil my mood only. 
Oh. I learn a new word instead of always saying kuku.
------------------>   Pig brain. 
Saw this on Will It Snow For Christmas. :>
But I stopped watching it causeeeee the ending is not what
I wanted. 
But thn, the guy is super zai. :)
But still, I'm not gna continue it. 
Pig head director. >:/

"Count from One to Ten"

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