Friday, October 26, 2012


Second week of sem 2 is over and i'm exhausted already. :( 
Now that i'm in poly, i realised how much i really missed being in secondary school. Dang. I missed eating breakfast secretly during lessons, going out for lunch with Jocelyn after school, going to Gwen's house after school to slack, disturbing my classmates during lessons and so much more. Really. Those were the times that i really am grateful for. For those who were there when i needed someone and those who would always lend a helping hand without thinking twice. *sigh* 
I'm quite fortunate to be able to meet those lunatics HEHEHEHEHEHE. So glad. They make me realised how much i missed them and the real meaning of 'true friends.' 

Anyway.. i just received a news that one of my fellow mayflowerian junior passed away due to a car accident. My condolence to her family and friends. I may not know her well but she's someone i met and talked to a little in school since we're both student leaders. Something that distinguish her from others was her 'billion dollar smile.' (as what i would called it) Her smile was so... how do i say it. A smile that would brighten up someone's day? To me, she always has this 'happy go lucky' attitude even on difficult circumstances. It's just... hard to take all these information in. 1 minute she was there and the next she wasn't. But i'm sure she's in a better place now. She doesn't need to suffer anymore, with all those strange looking tubes that were inserted to her body. She won't be here physically but she'll always remain in our hearts. Rest in peace and thank you, for being such a cheerful girl Vernise. You'll always be remembered.

If anyone saw a fatal road accident on 19th Oct (Fri) at 8.05am, along Punggol Road (at the traffic junction in front of Blk 264A) please contact the police at 1800-547 1818 to assist with their investigation with any form of leads. 
Thank you.

 'When you lose someone, the world still turns, the stars still shine and the wheels of time move inexorably on...but somewhere deep within your soul, a small part of you dies. '

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Ugly duckling

4 years and 9 months since... 
I didn't want to think about it. About all these. About those moments that were never meant to happened in the first place. To be frank, i would definitely be a laughing stock if i told anyone else about this with the exception of prolly 2-3 people who knew. I really don't know if i should cry cause i'm too pitiful or laugh cause i'm just too dumb. It was never supposed to happened. I shouldn't have let it. I prolly shouldn't have let go too. But i guess.. it's all well. Right? 

Perhaps in the past, i was too childish, too immature. Didn't appreciate what's in front of me, what has been done for me. Thinking back, i really lost it. I really. really want to talked to you again tho i always tell myself it's too much for me to handle. And even if i did, will you be there? I doubt so. You've moved on, and i should too right? But why. After so many years, i'm still the only one hanging on? Why? Am i just too dumb to realise that fact that you've moved on. Perhaps, found someone who's so much better than me. Someone that understands you so well, someone that could lend you her shoulder when you need someone to lean on? I think i know perfectly who is it. It's your... 

Best Friend. 

I should have expected it tho. I mean, i'm just typing nonsense hoping it's not true but who cares really. I don't. I don't wanna know. I don't wanna see it. I really don't. 
I wanna erase everything. Everything that has to do with you. You've moved on, and now its my turn. Not because i'm forced to, rather, i think its time to let my heart realise that you won't be there anymore. 
Hopefully. Hopefully i'll find someone who could really be there for me. 

To you, pig (if you're ever looking at this) 
I guess it's time? Though it's been rocky, i appreciate what you've done for me. I really do. Maybe i'm just too late to realised it. But i really do. Thank you. Thank you for tolerating my nonsense, my anger, my... so many things. Haha, i doubt you even know about this post but anyways. I miss you. so much. and i'm letting go now. Be happy ok? :) 

From your forever and ever donkey.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Truth? Nah.

Listen to the voices of the people. 
Is that what we want? Do you think it's going to benefit us? Everything you said two days ago, does it calm us down, does it make us feel more reassured? 
Frankly speaking, no. 20 years ago, they work their ass off in whatever means to protect this little red dot. We wouldn't have this without their hard work, we wouldn't have this privilege to be one of the top richest country and surely we wouldn't be here without them. Yes, 20 years have passed but are we; the real citizens happy and proud? Proud to be one of the world's top richest country and proud to be a Singaporean? Are we? Am I? I wasn't born 20 years ago, but as a citizen, a human being, i have the rights to say whatever that comes to my mind, no? 

I'm worried. Worried that once i've graduated, do i have a chance to get into a local university? Or will the chances go over to those imported foreign talents who are being treated like royalties here? Will the school fees for universities gets higher and higher every year? Will my parents be able to afford to pay? Why? 
Why is it so expensive for us while it's free for some FTs? They get free studying, free place to live and what do they do to contribute to the country exactly? Many left, either back to their 'real country' or to other western universities that are more renown. Those who stayed and become a citizen, i applaud you guys. It's my home yet it doesn't feel like it. Why? 

Yes, there are a few cases whereby we noticed the bad things bout' foreigners and forget about the good things that they've done. But if YOU guys were to be like ordinary citizens that took buses or mrts to work/school or an employee in the office or a student studying in schools, you would prolly see more of the bad things rather than the good ones. Why is it that we, the real citizens needs to accommodate to their needs/wants? If they wanna live here, shouldn't they respect and change their lifestyles to accommodate to us?  Sigh. 

I'm just utterly disappointed and upset. But what can i do? I'm just a student with no political power and well too bad, i'm not a foreign talent huh. Well.. at least i know many of the locals are in line with me. I guess.. time will tell? :)  

Friday, August 24, 2012

The aftermath

Hello Earthlings. :) 
Hehehe, it's been such such such a long period of time since i've last posted. Not trying to make it seem as though i'm really busy but really. BUSSSSSSSY. Heh. 
Currently having my semester break (i guess) for bout' 6 or 7 weeks? Hmm mm. Papers just ended yesterday and dang, am definitely sure that i'm not gonna do well for it. 3 papers back to back wasn't my cup of tea, neither was it for people who took the same papers as me. Had countless sleepless nights, dark circles, foul mood and what so ever. Thankfully it's all gone now and yesssss, i'm spending my first holiday blogging to make up for the absence. Was initially going out with sis but due to some reasons, i'm sitting in front of my computer blogging, facebooking, twittering, blogshopping and oh, watching a new drama called 'Ghost.' 

Was never a fan of kdramas, believe me. Oh wait, except for prolly Dong yi; by far the best historical drama and still the best drama for me. Dang it. Really dislike it when all those dramas portray the same old concept that either woman are always useless, guy falls in love with girl but girl falls in love with another guy (triangle lurb?), or someone close to the main characters have to die. ALWAYS. Tell me if  you guys got a really really good drama regardless whether it's japanese, korean or better still, hong kong. I really need it right now, to make up for my deprive computer using time. Pffffft. 

Heh, oh! And i've got my SW maroon shirt liaoxz. Hohoho. Love wearing it since it's kinda y'know nice and making people envy of my course. HAHA. Ok, that doesn't sound good. But yea, am loving my course so far and my classmates. :) Bunch of funny kuku nuggets that i just can't get enough of. Tho there are definitely times where i'm extremely pissed at some of them for like not doing their parts in projects and being too arrogant of themselves. But still, we're gonna as a class for 3 years and it's just the starting! Whoopy, gonna enjoy my poly days to the fullest. 

Okeh dokeh, gonna watch my drama now! HEEEEEEEEEEEH. See ya! 

Friday, June 8, 2012

Mentally and physically, broken

Hey'yall! Hehe, my holidays just started todaaaaaaaaaaaay, *yipeeeeee* but it's gonna end soon though, in 2 weeks time and i'm back to my usual hectic poly life. *sigh* Photos above was taken with my favourite tuna whom i haven't seen in ages. (okay la, maybe only a few months but still, hehe) Caught up with her and like what girls usually do, we gossip. Opps. Haha. 

Ok, so.. my papers are over and yep, i've received my results for Marketing and Effective Writing. Was extremely pleased with my marketing while effective writing is a cow. Never hated English that badly until this year. Wah seriously no joke. I did studied k. It's just that when i received the paper, my mind was like totally blank and having Vienna sitting beside me is not a good sign. I can literally listen to her scribbling and yea, she's writing so fast i panic so badly along with Prema. HAHA. Oh, the horror. And.. i didn't finished my paper? Yea, round 3-4 questions. :/ Boo hoo hoo. And i'm having another effective writing test after my 2 weeks break. What the cow. I'm so gonna copy from someone k. Hmph. 

Besides that, i'm so gonna fail sports science, can go bang wall liao la. 
I saw the 2nd page and was like 'What the cow? NEED TO STUDY THIS MEH?! *PANIC MODE - ON*' Yea. 
Turn to the 3rd page, 'Uh....... okay la, i think i know a few.' 
So uhm yea. And it's 30% (oh someone just stab me now) 

I'm so tired naooooooooooooooooooooo, goodnight! Hehehe. Will try to post again by this weekend! :)

Sunday, May 13, 2012

The powerpack week

Helloooooooooxz. :) Heh. 
This week has been a total nightmare and i totally regretted not studying much for effective writing. I know i'm definitely gonna get a extremely bad grade for it and yes, it's all my fault, can't blame anyone. *sigh* :( 
Marketing however, was quite smooth and yes, i'm praying hard to get a high grade for it. Can't believe time flies so fast and it's like May and it's gonna be June soon. I'm really thankful to God that my poly life have been quite good so far though there are times when i couldn't stand the situation and my mood turns really sour. I've been really trying hard to do my best in everything i could but really; there are times when i can't. Times when situation turns for the worst, *bam* that's when i really feel like strangling someone. 

Talked to my lovely W515 mates bout' this particular situation and i'm really, extremely thankful that they even bother listening to my ranting. Thank you! :) Well.. after hearing what most of them say, i guess i must be more understanding and not to judge people that easily. Things might probably change and 3 years down the road, i might be good friends with people i'm not comfortable with now. Funny huh. I just can't imagine it. Haha! Nevertheless, i'm just gonna give it a try and see how it works. Not that i never tried before, it's just that my efforts always went down the drain and i'm completely forgotten. *sigh* 
Speaking bout' this, i can't stand my temper. (IKR x_o) I'm always flaring up just cause of a small issue and my face will be like 'black' in a sense and my mood is totally ruin probably for the rest of the day. Really need to control it and try to be more forgiving. Everyone of us is not perfect and we definitely have flaws hence more forgiving. 

Oh, and Happy Mother's Day to all mothers out there! :) 

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Fatty bom bom

Went over to Fat Boy for dinner with my lovely Gwen, Edward, Ches and Derrek! I ate Wimpy beef burger and had to treat them to a $7 strawberry thick malt shake. Really thick. Wanted to pick the vanilla flavour but that gwen doesn't like it hence strawberry since me and chay didn't want chocolate. Haha! Maaaaan, i missed them so much. Kept on talking and throwing out all those nonsense that happened to us whether we liked it or not. Camwhore like nobody's business and people were staring since they were outside queuing trying to get a seat inside. Opps. Heheh, left shortly after eating and headed over to the famous beancurd. And derrek decided to treat us since he's going to the army in a few weeks times which means it's gonna be hard to meet up with him :/ Thank you for the beancurd and i'm gonna miss you!! Hehe. Take care of yourself in army k derrek! Hope to see you soon!! :) 

Aww man, having 2 ICAs next week and i'm so lazy + tired to do my marketing project which is due like  -what, on thurs? Ugh, someone just punch me. And effective writing is a piece of cow. What the heck. Okay, shall not rant so much. I'm gonna need to score well for these 2 modules and yessssss! I'm gonna do it! YAY. Hehe, okay short post today, am heading to bed for beauty sleep soon! :) 

Monday, April 23, 2012

Tiny ounces of break

Hello readers, hehehe. :) My school life has officially started last week and i'm glad to say that i'm overall, quite satisfied with school. But then again, i've received like 3-4 homework, a individual and group project within that 1 week of school. And i thought poly life wouldn't be THAT hard, oh well. Life is always full of rocky roads huh. *sigh*

Went out with the 'Davanna's for lunch @ Nex and a shopping trip to Haji Lane today! Went over to Hot Tomato and ordered a grilled chicken with spaghetti set which comes along with a soup of the day (i forgot what it was. Opps, heh.) and a drink (ice lemon tea, for me!) Dined there for the 2nd or 3rd time though, can't remember much but food was good despite the fact that our dear Ivan decided to imitate the Merlion and started spiting water. It wasn't pleasant at all hence i gave him a 'light scolding' on his table manners. HAHA. Seriously la, he spat it on my hand and probably my soup too. *cries* The 5 of us laughed extremely loud while eating cause.. i don't really know, but it was damn funny. Talked about what's happening to us now and some memorable secondary school stories. Haha, we talked about those from our dinning place all the way to Haji lane. Wouldn't be surprised if we got stares from people since Ivan laughed so loudly in the train when it was so damn quiet. -_- Reena, Joanna, Chanyee and me kept on asking him to lower down his laughter but he just kept on laughing, ayio. He never change for the past 5 years huh. Tsk. Oh yah, when we got out of the train at Bugis, a china couple was complaining about us, right behind us (as i've heard from Ivan and Chanyee) I think it goes something like this: 

Us: Laughing so badly 
Them: started pointing at us 
While riding the escalator to the top, 
Them: *in chinese* You see, those Singaporeans like to cut queue so much and started complaining that we were damn loud or something like that. Exactly. 
What's wrong with them? Hello? It's not called cutting queue, it's just how we move no? Look at those people in front of you, they're all doing the same thing too. Just cause we're students doesn't mean we ought to receive this kind of bias treatment. Can't you see those people at the front or are you just too plain stupid to think that way. Oh. So.. should we complained about those people cutting queue at the front too? Wow. How narrow minded we are huh. I've been living here since i was born and the way we move to the escalator has always been the same. To add on, yes we were loud, but oh please, aren't you people loud too? Do we have to ask permission from you two before we could laugh? Well at least i don't speak so loudly like you people who only know how to complain about us and not bout' yourselves. Really. If you don't like it, go back to your country. Singapore ain't like your country and to say that we singaporeans love to cut queue? You must be out of your dang mind. I just hate the fact that you guys are welcomed by our government to come over here to stay put and have babies and you guys become so proud of it. Though you're staying here, please respect the way we; real singaporeans live. Don't assume that you guys are the big heads over here. Don't like the way we live, don't stay here than. Nobody is pointing a damn gun at you forcing you to stay here. 
Hmph. >:(

Anyway, i bought a belt with Joanna since 2 for $19 which means i got mine at $9. Manxzxzxz, i'm loving that black belt of mine. HEHE. Oh, i bought a new wooden specs for myself since i think it looks damn cute and nerdy at the same time. The price isn't cheap (hello, it's Haji lane we're talking bout' hah!) but i bought it at $34 since the salesgirl was kind enough to give me a discount and the fact that it's quite unique definitely gain my attention. Reena and Ivan each spend like round $100 but sadly, Chanyee didn't bought anything. After Haji, we went over to Bugis street and dinner at Swensens with Reena and Jo. Had so much fun and laughter today and let's meet up soon together k! I'm gonna miss you guys! :( (exception of Ivan since i'm in the same poly as him) Heh, kaaaaaay. Time to sleep and wake up to a brand new monday blues. *sigh* 

Monday, April 9, 2012

Headed down to NYP today with boon since we had to collect our student card. Was extremely upset at myself when i found out that i photocopied the wrong info when i reached there. *sigh* But thank goodness boon was kind enough to wait for me to rush home and photocopied the right one. Thankyou boon!! Hehe! 

Oh ya, i'll be ending my work this Sunday since i'm starting school the following day so yeeeeeeep, i'm gonna miss my peeps there :( especially my favourite yan lin! Haha! She's the one that always brighten up the atmosphere when it's super awkward or when she sees smoke coming out of my head. Though she's older than me, she's extremely childish and random. HAHA. Like when she doesn't have enough sleep the previous day, she'll start singing to herself (like Eugene) non-stop. And i found out that she loves to hit my butt using her cloth. HAHAHAHA. Okay la, but i still love her alot. HEHE. I'm gonna miss you my friend, don't miss me too okay! :)

Okeh dokeh, i'm too tired to post anymore, so ciao! :)

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Drops of jupiter

Hello! :) Yesssssh, i'm finally done with the new blogger update stuffs which i'm still having a little difficulties with. Took me a few hours to make sure that the layouts are exactly what i wanted before going to bed in the wee hours which resulted in me getting reprimanded again, by granny. *sigh* Nevertheless, am still proud of myself for accomplishing this! Oh, and speaking of blogger, i think i might not be having any tagboard since there's a comment button at the bottom of every post and yes, feel free to comment (i guess) + i'm extremely dang lazy to find one after spending so many hours on this blog itself. Guess i'm more than a smart phone idiot huh? Haha! 

Picture taken above was to let Jing see what i was wearing on her birthday through Whatsapp (which i did send her) and it ended up here since i couldn't find another decent picture, hehe. I'm wearing a one-piece romper which was bought in Bangkok last year and it belongs to sis but i wore it anyway, since she wears my clothing almost every day. Belt's mine and if i'm not mistaken, i bought it from Bugis Street 2nd level @ round $6 and below? Haha, if you're interested, go take a look there, there's this shop that sells hairbands, clips and belts at affordable price. Not too sure 'bout the hairbands though, hehe. Lastly (my favouriteeeeeeeeeeeeeeee) cardigan was bought online and it cost slightly round $20? DANG, I'M LOVIN' IT. Initially, while i was browsing the shop, i thought it was uhm.. how do you call it, overpriced? But yea, had a debate mentally and decided to get this gorgeous little thing since sis say she isn't too fond of it (YES!) Hahahaha. <- I did a caps 'yes' there since i don't like the idea of her wearing my clothing and if she's not fond of it, she won't be wearing it and it's GONNA BE MINEEEEEEEEEEEE. Not that i'm a stingy sister but the fact that when your sis is smaller size than you and when you wear her clothing she goes 'NOOOOOO. Don't expand it.' -___-
Bloody cow. I'm not that big size what. Yea, which equals to her wearing everything that belongs to me and me wearing less than 1/4 of her clothings since i'm not suppose to expand her clothes. HMPH. Oh, and to add it up, majority of her clothing are dresses/skirts; which in my opinion is too damn short. So i don't bother wearing it too. But oh well, i love my sis *pui* HEHE. :) 

OH YA. There's gonna be a 1-for-1 filet o'fish at Macs from 5-6th. HEHE. I just ate it yesterday though but i'm so gonna get it. But ugh. Had been having fast food for these past few days is making me fat fat fat fat. Needs to exercise again this week, prolly on a sunday evening so that nobody can really see my face HAHAHA. Whut? 

Hehe, to all fish lovers out there, GO GRAB IT MAN. HOHO. 

Have a great day ahead! :)

Tuesday, April 3, 2012


Hello there! :) Hehe, it's been such a long time since i've last posted & i realised i so happen to say this everytime i blog. Haha, sorry! Was busy working & working for the past months that i've forgotten about posting! But fear not, i'm here now ain't i? HEHE, i feel so conceited. *wink* 

Anyway, these past months flew by quickly and yes, it's time for me to start a new chapter in my education. New friends, new environment and definitely new subjects. I'm eggcited to meet new people although well.. i'm not very good at socialising at first, i guess. Hopefully i'm gonna be satisfied there since i'm the one who decided to go there. *sigh* I wouldn't completely say i'm not afraid or worried since school is starting soon like in less than 15 days. Definitely there would be ups and downs but yea, just hope that i fit in (i mean who wouldn't want it right?) 

Oh, right! I forgot to mention that i stopped working for my previous company, which is to sell educational cds in popular? Haha, it sounds silly right, standing 30% and sitting 70% between 1-9pm hopping someone would be kind enough to go over to your outlet to get those cds so you wouldn't fear getting fired. Wouldn't say i was successfully in selling in the 2-3 weeks when i first started and i was damn worried i would be the next one getting fired. But i did eventually sell a bunch of it and am very proud of myself! I sold those educational cds to this kind lady who is willing to buy from me even though she lives at woodlands which has another educational booth over there. She bought approximately $720+ worth of cds from me! Dang! Was extremely proud of myself and going off to work an hour earlier that day was paid off. In the end, i stopped working for them cause i find it alittle too stressful? in a way that you have to text your big boss every night your sales income and am afraid if you're gonna get fired next. I didn't stopped cause i was fired though the pay was extremely good, for me. It's like $7 per hour and it doesn't really require you to stand at all times but the fact is that you're gonna be extremely bored, literally asking friends to come visit you or have dinner with you just to kill off that boredom. And hence the reason i couldn't take it anymore. HAHA. 

Oh. And i'm currently working at a ice cream shop called 'Creamier' which is located at Toa Payoh Lorong 1, (near the market there.) You can head over to this website if you want more details! 
Working there is definitely more tiring than my previous job but with the company of my colleagues and bosses, i'm enjoying my work there! Hehe. :) 

On a side note, i'll probably be adding a tagboard again soon, since the new blogger updates states that there won't be any advertisements or something like that. Hoho, so if you have any questions you wanna ask me, feel free. (although i doubt i'll get any, haha!) Hmm..

Enjoy your day everyone, don't let minor issues affect your mood! :) 

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

To the left

Hello! Hehe, happy belated valentine's day! :) Went out with the gang on vday to celebrate our 5 years of friendship, Haha! Gwen bought the Japan bear, Jocelyn's letter, Chester's chicken-pooh and Clement's, Boon's and Charles's roses! Awww.. so sweet of them! Hehe, had lotsa fun with them on vday! Should do it again soon! 

Anyway, i'm updating my blog today cause i'm gonna rant about a particular issue that was recently being brought up. If you're not interested or into kpop, than probably you'll find it annoying or whatever crap. So.. before i rant, a gentle reminder that it's not gonna be pleasant since i'm extremely pissed off. And to anti-fans or whoever crap you are, THIS. is my blog and i absolutely have the rights to type out what i think. So before you started bashing on me, let's make this clear. Nobody and yes, NOBODY is forcing you to read my post hence scram before you get pissed and starting go ho-ha on me. 

Block B's controversy. 
YES. They were absolutely at fault for disrespecting the Thais and i'm not trying to ask those people who were affected by their unprofessional behavior to forgive them. Death threats? Petition for disbandment? Harassing Zico's mother on Cyworld? This is too much, too much. People who did this, you disgust me. Were they the ones who killed so many innocent lives during the Thai flooding? I don't get all those petitions and death threat. How old are you guys? 12? 13? My goodness. 
Have you even seen the video? Yes, you may have seen it, but do you know that it was misinterpreted? For those people who've seen articles on what blockb said on Allkpop, have a look at this link.
 You may choose not to believe what's on that link, but i believed them, not because i'm a fan. Rather i believed that humans make mistakes, so do they, so do us. If this were to happen to your favourite group/artist, would you be like 'go to hell bastards' - 'don't ever come back again' - 'disband disband disband'
WOULD YOU? Don't give me crap like 'My oppas won't do this, my oppas won't do that.' PLEASE. OH GOSH. Don't be such a ignorant fool.
I've seen people tweeting or even writing comments that they whole petition thing was started by Hottest. Now, don't get me wrong. I'm not saying all Hottest are involved in this nor did i CONFIRMED that Hottest were the ones who started this. As you guys know, Khun has already tweeted 'Please, don't say things like "wish someone would die" but hope they would learn. Like we all do, like i did from my own mistakes.' If he could forgive Blockb, why can't you guys? Yes, it's hard to forgive but do you even know that there're other famous people who made racist remarks but were never featured? If you have only been to Allkpop to check for your daily dose of news, please kindly visit other kpop websites too. I personally feel that particular website is making heaps of fanwars among fandoms and some issues that were posted wasn't clearly clarified. I mean, it's my point of view so yea.

So. okay, don't bash me for what i'm going to type below. IT'S JUST MY OPINON k? :)
That interview was a month ago, YES A MONTH AGO. And Khun bought the whole subject up. Well, of cause as a Thai he definitely feel that there's a need to address to this issue. But the fact that he's adding oil to the fire doesn't help. He's upset, yes i know. But once he steps up to this, the situation becomes worst. And hence more hate, more death threats and the petition to break blockb up. I know some people will be defending him saying it's not his fault, why can't he voice his unhappiness etc etc. But you guys do know that he commented on about Japan's earthquake too right? Nobody said a SHYT about it and here comes blockb getting so much judgement. I don't understand all these, i really don't.

I saw this on Tumblr and i'm gonna post on it. Credits to the person.
You can forgive Nickhun for tweeting about Japan's earthquake.
You can forgive G-Dragon for illegal marijuana use.
You can forgive Daesung for getting into a car accident and getting into a court case.
If you can do all of the above
you can forgive Block B too.
I'm not asking you for much, i'm asking you to forgive because i know you can.

I apologised if this post makes you pissed or even upset. I just want to rant all these out on my blog, which i believed that it's legal. So yes, if you're upset about this, i'm sorry about it.

I don't want them to disband, no. I never liked it when a group disband, not because i like them but because of those endless amount of effort and hard work they've put in were gone, poof. They've already apologised, yes they deserve the consequence, but disbanding a group, is too much. Really. These bunch of goofy guys have so much talents and it'll be WASTED if they disband. They lost their smiles, you harassed their FAMILY, IS THAT EVEN RIGHT? That's downright low, i'm telling you. Their family wasn't even involved in this. You haters can carrying on hating but i'm telling you, i'm not gonna give up on BlockB. Never.

Monday, January 30, 2012

Who do you think you are

Yes yes! I'm here updated with some of my cny pictures! Hoho. See, wearing shorts is so much more comfortable. Anyway, trying to be a little bhb (self praise) here, i think my legs very nice leh. HAHA. Not only me k, others also got say. Haha, but i think the reflection helps so much. I mean, it makes my legs look skinnier thn usual which is a good thing. *sigh* I wish i have those legs. 
Went over to Charles and TingShun's house to 'Bai nian' = more ang paos! Yay. Haha, but cny isn't always about the money you've received or eating so many different goodies you can. To me, every chinese new year is getting to know my relatives more and more and well.. even though i only met some relatives once in a year, they're still as heart warming as ever. Usual questions like 'how are you', 'oh, what are you doing now', 'you got yourself a guy already?', 'how old are you now?' comes up every time. Even though we might be like why do they keep asking the same old questions, bear in mind that you don't see them often and it's only right for them to ask. :)
Back to the story, (opps) we went over to Charles house for lunch and yummy! The food was sooo good, too bad i din't take a picture. :( After that, we went over to TingShun's house and we played like blackjacks for hours and hours. Hmm.. prolly 2 hours or so. Oh man, i don't really gamble and i only gamble like once in a year or something? So yea, i only earn 5 cents. Don't ask me how i can earn that, because i did AND IT CAN'T BUY ME ANYTHING. Bloody cow. :( Every other earns like $4 and ME being the lousy earns the least. So angry at myself la. Haha, but it was fun playing with them! And Yongboon's gonna treat me  ice cream! YAY. :) 

Anyway, writing bout' cny reminds me that i have an awfully ill tempered and disgraceful aunt. YES, AND even if someone tells you that i'm badmouthing you, go ahead and talk whatever crap you want. I had enough of you ever since i was born. Let's see my dear aunty.. 
You make my life so miserable, always comparing my results to my sis. Indeed, i'm not as smart as her and i'm not as popular as her, but can't you just accept the fact that EVERYONE'S DIFFERENT?! You expect me to be like my sis? Hell, no. Everyone has their own individuality and that's everyone's different. You did so much horrible things to my loved ones even before i was born. How would i even know that? Everyone talks about YOU. No, they din't wanted to say, I WANTED THEM TO TELL ME. You can deny all these so called 'rumors' but the fact that both sides are speaking ill of you means something. And after spending so many years with you, i realised that you are indeed that aunt i hated so much. Indeed, hated is such a strong word but i just have to used it on you. YOU despised me so much that i assume you brainwash your son to buck up like my sis and not be like me. Oh hoho. Your once innocent son has already started becoming like you. Every single time you come over, you never fail to ask about my results. No, not because you're concern about me, you just wanted to humiliate me. Sometimes, it got so bad that i broke down at night asking myself why can't you just stop all these humiliation towards me. But i thank god that my granny and my sis were always there for me. Telling me not to care about what she says, telling me that everyone is different. That made me feel so much better thn before. 

As chinese, we try not to be upset or even start an argument during chinese new year. But YOU just blew everything up. I wasn't at home to see your screwed face, thank goodness, but your mother was, which was my granny. I came home that night, and she was extremely pissed off even by looking at her face. Once all the relatives left, she immediately told me what YOU did. It is only right for a child to go over to his/her parent's house during chinese new year to respect them and which we would greet them by giving them mandarin oranges. Well...  you came. But you were dressed in awfully black. From head to toe, you were dressed in black. Really? Is this how you respect your mother? And what's worst, you ask YOUR son to greet your mother instead of you. It should be your job no? So after that, you asked my dad where i'm studying and you told granny that the place i'm going to study at have tons of uncivilised people. What the cow? Oh right. Who are you to judge anyway? Yes, that school might not the be the best, so what? Feel like punching you my gosh. -_- Thank goodness you only come like once or twice every year now. Life without you is so much better. The air smells fresher, the atmosphere is much more vibrant and WE ARE ALL HAPPY! :)  

(okay, this was supposed to be posted 2 days ago but i was kinda busy visiting peeps houses hence the late post!)  Haha, that's all! Tata! :)