Friday, August 24, 2012

The aftermath

Hello Earthlings. :) 
Hehehe, it's been such such such a long period of time since i've last posted. Not trying to make it seem as though i'm really busy but really. BUSSSSSSSY. Heh. 
Currently having my semester break (i guess) for bout' 6 or 7 weeks? Hmm mm. Papers just ended yesterday and dang, am definitely sure that i'm not gonna do well for it. 3 papers back to back wasn't my cup of tea, neither was it for people who took the same papers as me. Had countless sleepless nights, dark circles, foul mood and what so ever. Thankfully it's all gone now and yesssss, i'm spending my first holiday blogging to make up for the absence. Was initially going out with sis but due to some reasons, i'm sitting in front of my computer blogging, facebooking, twittering, blogshopping and oh, watching a new drama called 'Ghost.' 

Was never a fan of kdramas, believe me. Oh wait, except for prolly Dong yi; by far the best historical drama and still the best drama for me. Dang it. Really dislike it when all those dramas portray the same old concept that either woman are always useless, guy falls in love with girl but girl falls in love with another guy (triangle lurb?), or someone close to the main characters have to die. ALWAYS. Tell me if  you guys got a really really good drama regardless whether it's japanese, korean or better still, hong kong. I really need it right now, to make up for my deprive computer using time. Pffffft. 

Heh, oh! And i've got my SW maroon shirt liaoxz. Hohoho. Love wearing it since it's kinda y'know nice and making people envy of my course. HAHA. Ok, that doesn't sound good. But yea, am loving my course so far and my classmates. :) Bunch of funny kuku nuggets that i just can't get enough of. Tho there are definitely times where i'm extremely pissed at some of them for like not doing their parts in projects and being too arrogant of themselves. But still, we're gonna as a class for 3 years and it's just the starting! Whoopy, gonna enjoy my poly days to the fullest. 

Okeh dokeh, gonna watch my drama now! HEEEEEEEEEEEH. See ya! 

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