Friday, November 25, 2011

Everything single thing

First up! 
Jiayan Jiejie wedding was on sunday and boom! we took lots and lots and lots of pictures! Hehehe, congratulations Jiayan jiejie and Francis korkor! :) 
It's one of my first few times waking up at 3 or 4am ++ and headed over to yi-ma's house for jy jiejie's wedding. But i ended up falling sick and had flu the whole morning which resulted in me taking those yellow small pills and falling asleep. I doubt i got more thn 4 hours of sleep that day since we all couldn't fall asleep in ahyi's house. HAHA. So funny. Neither of us slept except jingx2 jiex2. Was super duper tired when i reached home and worst still, i realised i had prom the next day. 

Tada! It's prom pictures taken on Monday at Fairmont hotel! Hehehehe. I had lots and damn lots of fun and the mc is quite hilarious too. The 1st and only unglam picture i'm gonna put up cause i love my nails. Hoho. 

Red camp 8 was a blaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaast! *insert heart shapes* Although we wasn't there for the 1st day, it was definitely a 'two thumbs up' camp since there were tons of extremely tasty food for our lunch and dinner (i can't live without food, it's my life thus i'm probably deemed as a food lover) and those Student Leaders there were amazing in a sense that they kept on cheering and keeping our spirits high! Never did they complained that they were tired nor falling asleep throughout those 2 days i was there. Hmm.. however... i wasn't THAT satisfied with myself since i've made a promise to make more new friends during Red camp which was a 'fail' + 'completely fail' job. *Sigh* But it was all worthwhile! Hehehehehe! Me love Red camp 8 and NINJAS! ^^ 

I'm so tired hence the short post hehehehehe. Goodnight fellas! :)

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