Wednesday, November 30, 2011


I'm tired. I really am. 
You out of all people am definitely oblivious to the situation today. I've been told not to hate you, not to hate those decisions that you've made and try to look it at another prospective. But i just couldn't. I really tried. She told me something i didn't want to know, something that i had been trying to accept but once she told that matter to me, it just sank right down to the bottom. Never. Never had i felt like blaming God why, why is this even happening to me? I really tried and i'm beyond tired. 
I know you really tried to make ends meet but no matter how much you try, it's never gonna happen. I can't look it from your prospective. It's just ... impossible; outright impossible. And here i am trying to make myself feel better by typing it all out but it just doesn't. How am i suppose to be happy? Or worst still, thankful. 
Can't you see how much, how much i hated today? I swear i'm not the only one. Yes, i'm selfish, i only care about what i feel yea yea i get it. But why don't you ask yourself, 

I know you're tired too. I know and i've been told to accept it way back and i do. But i realise now that i couldn't, no matter how much i tried. Try harder? I tried a zillion times. I just can't see the things you see. I just want to say, i'm sorry. I'm sorry if this will hurt you but i really am. It'll never be the same again. Never. 

Friday, November 25, 2011

Everything single thing

First up! 
Jiayan Jiejie wedding was on sunday and boom! we took lots and lots and lots of pictures! Hehehe, congratulations Jiayan jiejie and Francis korkor! :) 
It's one of my first few times waking up at 3 or 4am ++ and headed over to yi-ma's house for jy jiejie's wedding. But i ended up falling sick and had flu the whole morning which resulted in me taking those yellow small pills and falling asleep. I doubt i got more thn 4 hours of sleep that day since we all couldn't fall asleep in ahyi's house. HAHA. So funny. Neither of us slept except jingx2 jiex2. Was super duper tired when i reached home and worst still, i realised i had prom the next day. 

Tada! It's prom pictures taken on Monday at Fairmont hotel! Hehehehe. I had lots and damn lots of fun and the mc is quite hilarious too. The 1st and only unglam picture i'm gonna put up cause i love my nails. Hoho. 

Red camp 8 was a blaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaast! *insert heart shapes* Although we wasn't there for the 1st day, it was definitely a 'two thumbs up' camp since there were tons of extremely tasty food for our lunch and dinner (i can't live without food, it's my life thus i'm probably deemed as a food lover) and those Student Leaders there were amazing in a sense that they kept on cheering and keeping our spirits high! Never did they complained that they were tired nor falling asleep throughout those 2 days i was there. Hmm.. however... i wasn't THAT satisfied with myself since i've made a promise to make more new friends during Red camp which was a 'fail' + 'completely fail' job. *Sigh* But it was all worthwhile! Hehehehehe! Me love Red camp 8 and NINJAS! ^^ 

I'm so tired hence the short post hehehehehe. Goodnight fellas! :)

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Sprinkles spring

First picture was given to us by Mrs Leong and our co-form teacher (which i forgot her name. Opps.) So lovely of them to give it to us when they don't even need to. *Aww, i was so touched* 
Second to the last picture was drawn by my favourite (one and only) fatpig. Hehe, so sweet of her right. She knows that I'm having my exams and she drew it to cheer on me! I love my sister! HEHEHE. 

Went over to Far East today since the girls wanna shop for heels + dresses. Spotted Reena and Joanna while looking at heels. Haha, wouldn't call it spotted but oh well, we see them la. Went round and round and finally they found what they were looking for. I saw plenty of heels that i'm oh so lovin' it but my feet is like size 9 which sadly doesn't comes in that size. BOOO HOOO. Really :( 
Ayia but i eventually found a pair of heels that i'm ok with it. Because most heels doesn't comes in my size and well yea. I'm so desperate to look for one pair of damn heels to wear it to prom. YES. I SAID DESPERATE. 

After that - 
Jing, Joanna, Reena and me headed to orchard central to walk around. But we ended up sitting at some abandoned shop and talked for like an hour plus. I know right. HAHA. So awkward when people were staring at us while walking up like 'what the hell sia' HAHAHA. But i enjoyed it so much la. So funny. Imma happy girl! ^^ 

Ok, i'm back to watching Fairy tail and reading their manga and looking for any other interesting animes. 
Oh, and Singapore's food is featured on Simpsons. What the cow right. HAHA. But it was quite funny.Triple Spicy barbecued stingray stuffed with pig organs. A bit no sense ah but oh well. It's for fun joy and laughter.
Tata people have a nice day ahead! :) 

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Back to tomorrow

That's one of the biggest and nicest bubble tea i've ever tried in our little red dot. Didn't realise this before until fatpig insisted that we try it. But it's all worth it plus, i'm not the one who's paying for it. HEHEHEHE. Oh and helloooooooooooooo. ^-^ 

I'm pretty upset today *sigh* due to some China woman who practically rolled her eyes at me when i ask her to repeat herself: 
Me: Hi, can i have a chicken claypot rice, eating here.
Guy: *mumble something*
Me: Huh?
Guy: *doing the same thing again*
Me: Look to the China woman.
She: Speaks in some strong accents that i don't even know what she's talking about.
Me: I'm sorry?
She: Rolled her damn eyes at me 
And another guy had to tell me that i'm supposed to wait for bloody 5 minutes. 
WHAT THE HELL? YOU STUPID IDIOTIC CHINA WOMAN. IS THIS HOW YOU DO BUSINESS?  No wonder you're so freaking ugly that nobody wants you. Opps. 
You're working in Singapore and not in China. Even if this is how you behave in China, i bet you can't even be a road sweeper. Just because you think you're in Singapore and you so called *own* a stall, doesn't mean you showed this kind of attitude. If these are those 'foreign talents' that had been imported here to take away our jobs and increase our population to 6 million, i feel absolutely ashamed to be even called a Singaporean. This kind of idiotic attitude will definitely bring a bad reputation to our country because of those 'foreign talents' 

Okay, i'm done ranting. Just pissed me off only. Go back to your own country and i'll be damn happy. Singapore is not China, mind you. 
Oh, and if you wanna know this food stall, it's at toa payoh 2nd level, kofu; claypot rice. 
(p.s i rolled my eyes at her a billion times too. I just can't let her bully me. HMPH.) 

Friday, November 11, 2011

Little by little

Hellooooooo peek a boo! hehehe :) 
Watched criminal minds since like 12 - 3pm. HAHAHA, i know this sounds super crazy and i should be studying for my Science MCQ but shoot this. It's super addictive la. I tried telling myself not to watch anymore of it but i just can't help it. Next minute you know, your hand is holding that remote control pressing the next episode. But wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, i'm just a happy girl cause my favourite Paget Brewster is coming back to Criminal Minds like literally. YESSSSSSS. I was so upset :( when she 'died' in the episode. Ok, i nearly cried. CAUSE SHE'S MY FAVOURITE OKAY. 

Okay, i'm lazy. I'm gonna hop to other webs. tata! :)

Monday, November 7, 2011

It's still the same old day.



See the difference? :( I shouldn't have cut my hair till that short. I don't really take pictures of myself but oh well. I wanted to see if the difference was alot and indeed it was. I don't look like some chinnah people right? :< I would cry the cow out of me. The more i see my after picture, i think it's better thn the before one. HAHA. Maybe i'm just trying to comfort myself. *shrugs* 

Just finished reading Fairy Tail chapter 258 and i'm super duper confused. Another 2 more Dragon slayers?! Oh no, nonoononono. 3 is enough. 

Okay, i'm so lazy to post anymore, so tata! 

Marking a day down

I can't fall asleep so i'm just gonna blog again yes i know. i know you're so sick of me blogging now. Hmph. :(

The path that everyone wants to take, the path that will always be straight, well planned out, the path that will always be recognized by everyone. Unfortunately, there'll definitely be some that wouldn't be on that path. Why? I tried asking myself that too but i knew it was God's plan. Yes, one can be upset and hate the fact that why they ain't on that path. But why not put in this prospective, you were on this path because it was meant for you. Simple put, you don't have to go through that straight, well planned out path. Even though yours might not be as straight as well planned out, as long as you keep believing that you're gonna make it, i'm sure you'll. Just because you're not on that path, it doesn't mean the end. People may start looking at you differently, distancing themselves away from you but i'm sure there'll definitely be some people who's out there constantly trying to help you up, picking you up when you were at the bottom of your life.
Sometimes, we all broke down not because we're weak, just because we held strong for too long. Sometimes, even those people that you're closest to just left you there hanging at the cliff. And yes, i'm upset and probably that's why i'm typing out all those nonsense garbage out. Sometimes, people just don't give a damn.

If you stop complaining and look it at another prospective, can't you see what you've been missing? Don't push it to someone elses fault and deemed that they were the ones who were wrong. If you think the world is unfair, perhaps you're right, perhaps you're wrong. For me, the world is fair, just that those decisions made aren't fair.

Sunday, November 6, 2011


Okay, so i'm back yet again with a picture of me in between Daddy and Fatpig! Wanted to upload another picture but something's wrong with my lappy's bluetooth. Perhaps whn i'm using my pc thn shall i upload. Hmm... there's too many things for me to recall to blog so i'm just gonna type it out one by one. 

Since prom is less thn 1 month away and almost whole of our class is attending. HIP HIP HOORAY! Talk about class spirit! I've went out with Fatpig on friday after my ss paper to spent my Capitaland voucher which expires on that day. Went through and fro from Ion -> Far East > Cineleisure > Ion > home. We practically walked the whole orchard and yes, my legs were hurting like hell. Couldn't find any dress that i liked so we went back to topshop and take a look. And wala! I've found something that's super gorgeous thanks to fatpig and I paid for it. Thank goodness i have my vouchers with me if not i'm gonna spent like $60+ on that dress. Still, i have to pay for additional $30+ which i'm overall satisfied! Fatpig tried it on too but oh well, she's smaller size thn me which makes the dress kinda loose for her. Hehe, she should be wearing a UK size 4 so duh it's loose for her. I thought i was like a UK size 8 but it turns out that i'm a size 6! YIPEEEE. 

I wanna see my Yuri since i'm officially a Yurisistable and a sone. So BLA. MUAHAHHAHA!
Thank goodness there's a 2nd night if not i'm gonna cry till the river overflows and everyone will hate me cause i'll be flooding singapore. But most importantly i wanna thank Yang whom i met from Soshified who's willing to help me buy the tickets and aww! She's so sweet can. She went to the indoor stadium to queue at like 8pm whn the tickets are selling at 8 or 10am the next morning. Thank you so much! :)  

Oh! And Soshified's organizing Running man specially for Singapore sones so whoever is reading this and you're going and you're a sone, pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee just tweet to me ok! We can go together well if you don't mind me. (I'm quite noisy HAHAHA) PLESEEEEEEE AH. :( 

Okay, i'm gonna stop here now (I mean it!) Since fatpig says that i'm hogging onto the lappy the whole day which technically isn't my fault. Badminton tomorrow with girls and hopefully i don't embarrass myself cause i SUCKED at it. Yes @ Aisyah, she knows i can't play it which i think it's the only sport i can't do. I guess. *Sigh* Alrightys! Good night night night to you all! :)

Don't come talking to me now and asking me how are you. Literally pissing me off. Why don't you put yourself in my shoes. Idiot. 


I'm backxzxzxzzxz from hell (well not technically considering i still have Science MCQ and Chinese) *Sigh* I don't wanna re-take chinese but i think it's gonna be included in my L1R4 thingy so...... yea lo. *double sigh* 

First up, i know my blog's like extremely dead since a) i haven been updating what's going on and b) i didn't tell many people about this *cough* so-called-blog or perhaps c) they don't like me. BOOHOOO. 
Ah well. Y'know i'm just kidding bout' the crying part. ._. 

Second up, i know i'm being a lazy bum bum since i've been watching like 4 hours of Covert Affairs and Criminal Minds which i'm telling you it's damn addictive. Thank goodness Daddy bought some-kind-of-thing that allows me to watch any shows i wanted. Yes, i mean any, ranging from English to Japanese to Korean to Chinese and to Indian(?) I have no idea on that but oh well. i love that amazing -thing- besides the IDIOTIC LAGGING WHICH DISRUPT ME FROM WATCHING MY CRIMINAL MINDS EPISODES. IDIOT. Oh, besides that, it's all fine! 

Thirdly, HAVE I BLOGGED THAT I'M GONNA GO THAILAND?! YIPEEEE, AGAIN. The last time i've been there it was like what? 5-6 years ago. Not that memorable though since we ended up drinking fishball soup every meal for consecutive 5 days. Beat that. 
Oh, i'm gonna go for round like 4 days which seems so little (i know) :/ but the good thing is that i'm so gonna get so many clothing that i'll get so sick of shopping when i fly back to singapore. 

Yipeeee, byebye! I'm heading out for dinner with Daddy and Fatpig! Tatatatata! ^-^