Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Get over & done with

Okay, i think i'm nuts. but still HEHEHEHE. 
No school till next year, how amazing righttttt. And i think i'm finding a part-time job since my granny + sis keep nagging @ me to find one. So bad right, they don't wanna see me at home :( 
Oh, not to mention, i just woke up. 12hours straight. *wink*

The weather's killing me.
Hot + sunny + humid + never-ending HOT.
And when it rains,
Cold + alittle cold & thn it becomes HOT all the way. So i rather it rains everyday. x)

Hahaha, that's my fatpig's drawing. So sweet. 
It's once in a lifetime that she's so good. HAHA. 
Usually she always nag, scold and cheat my money. -_-. 
Yea, cheat my money. 
I always buy her Mac like 3 weeks once or every week once thn she only buy me BAO (bun) every saturday.
HMPH. :< 
And she'll say 'i love you mei mei' B.L.A. 
Always the same line, but puh-lease. I'm her only sister that's why. But still, she's a good sister besides the fact that she scold me in her sleep and kick that tissue box down which HIT my eyes while she's sleep talking. :(
That's why my eyes are so small. thanks to her la. HAHA. 
Okay, i'm off like uhm. going out to uh. i forgot. HEHEHE, tootoo (my term for byebye) x)

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