Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Bad day.

My results are so 'amazing' that I nearly tear up when I saw it. Just drop my class position by 12. Gorgeous results huh. When Mdm Z called me & dad, her reaction was *tsk, hiyah amanda ah. tsk tsk tsk tsk.* 

Okay, by thn i already knew what she wanna say. Somehow, i still remember what she was talking. 
Mdm Z: Ayioh amanda ah, what happen to you? 
Me: Huh. uh. *hehehehehhehehehe*  (apparently that's what came out from my mouth) :O
And bla bla bla .... 
Basically she was telling me to buck up on my comb.science (i knew it-.-) & my poa which i just flunked. But hey, on the bright side she didn't tell my dad i slept in her class the most. HAHAHAHA. *phew*
And that I SHOULD score higher for my language cause i'm in her band & my language are the best bla bla bla... 

Yep, thats it. 
And we broke the record.. for being the fastest. Haaaaaaaah! 
Really lah........
The rest are super slow cause those chers keep on talking & talking. Muahahahaha.. 

These few weeks are hectic & thats why i didn't blog for kinda long. 
AC just ended & i'm missing the "queuing up part in air-con" which i doubt many ppl likes it. And i wanna get back my AC balloon. Rawr. Shouldn't have thrown it away but thn... its dirty lah :< 
S'okaaaaaay, shall wait till 2012 for my AC balloon. *winks* 
whatever was said on the news, i don't give a toot. cause i believe in them. :)

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