Friday, May 21, 2010

Letting go.

I'm so proud of myself for baking & finding the right cookies for the competition! Technically.. Joanna, jocelyn, yide, holeong & jing help out too! Yesterday's oatmeal cake WASN'T successful at all. It was burnt and it wasn't even cook inside. Totally disappointed niao. But I found out what went wrong!

I'm supposed to turn it to 170 degree but I turned it to uhm.. max? which was about 270 degree. HAHAH. Not my faulttttttttttttttttt. It was the recipe's fault. They didn't say that the degree was refering to fahrenheit. I thought was celsius lo. Chao robbert only.

Baked Thumbprint cookies, biscuit bread and oatmeal cake within 4.5 hours which was superb! Although I don't think I wanna make that oatmeal cake for the competition. It taste .... weird? And IT'S IN SOME WEIRD WEIRD COLOUR. 
I don't understand why that home econs aunty love that cake so much. She even went to photocopy my stack of recipes -_-. 

Imma tell you, the thumbprint cookies are the shiok ones. The first batch of it wasn't that tasting and it wasn't really cooked. The second batch one was fabulous! It's so chewy that Mrs lee loved it too! Muahaha. 

Okay I'm damn tired. Gna head to bed even though it's super early. 
I'm not a pig okay. 
It's just that I sleep less at night. :/

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