Sunday, May 23, 2010


HAHAHA. Soori<3. 

"1, 2, 3 Hello I'm SNSD's Yuri. Nice to meet you~"
"Ah.. seriously... why do i have so many schedules.. hey hodong, do ur work properly!"
and the lady at the back was about to say:
"Although this is ment to be acting, she said everything she wanted to say in real life" 

Imma getting fatter every moment. Shooot-tooot :<
I love eating yet hate getting fat. Maaaan, I wish I'm those lucky people who doesn't get fat no matter how much they eat. *Sigh*
And Ec competition clashes with AC laaaaaa. I wanna skip it but I know it's kinda impossible. OHMAN, THE OPENING NIGHT?! LIKE WTCOW. :(

I wanna go for AC AC AC AC AC AC AC AC AC!!!!
Ugh. What a kuku :/

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