Saturday, July 2, 2011

Silly me

I'm officially on a hiatus till 'o's end? :)
Prolly not though. It depends, i guess. If i feel like blogging, imma blog. If not, well.. let see how things go thn.
School just re-open this week and the pressure is really heating up. Tons of homework are being pile up one after another and you gotta rush it through by the next day. Worst of all, there's a test ever week for each subject and if we score less thn 75% of the marks.. well, who knows. It's definitely something not pleasant and i'm so not looking forward to my first test next week.

I used to adore weekends so much, like when it's on Friday, the 'TGIF' sentence pop into my brain. And i'll have the whole weekend to myself doing whatever i feel like. Yet, it seems that weekends practically change from my adoration to a massive nightmare. You'll need to finish all those infinite homework and study for the upcoming tests. When i mean study, it's not just normal studying. It's more of like 'studying-as-if-o-lvls-are-next-week' kind of stuff.
The fact that my own classmates scored so well and already started studying for o's pressurise me.
The fact that they study like mad cows scares me. Seriously.
I'm so afraid of my chinese oral next week which i think i'm just gonna flunk it again like what i did last year. It's funny how i'm chinese educated yet i can't even score a distinction for chinese. Hilarious. I think i just brought shame to many chinese. :/ I hate reading chinese, that's a fact. Yet i love writing composition (prolly because i score the best out of all the chinese papers. Hehe!)

Same goes to English. I love writing composition but it was the other way round. I scored so badly for it that i was well.. basically speechless. I passed, yes. But the marks was atrocious as well as my story-line. In terms of English.. i guess oral will be the one pulling me up.
What a great post to start off my weekend. *roll eyes*
Okay, it's like 2am now and i better get back to sleep cos' i'm going for chinese lesson tomorrow with Gwen i think. :)
Don't miss me peeps. HOHO. 

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