Monday, May 16, 2011


It's been like almost a month since i've last posted. Busy, as usual and at time same time laziness. Hehe:) 
Photos were taken during our 'so called' celebration to Sentosa which turns out nasty due to the *cough long-board cough* And the rest were taken during service at Suntec with W515. whoopee :) 
The reason why i'm blogging today is well.. probably cause i'm bored. (lame much) Since i'm suppose to be doing some LMS thingy which thankfully can't work. So now i'm trying to figure out something to do which is half blogging and half internet shopping. HAHA, smart right? *wink* 
*sigh* I'm so reluctant to go out nowadays due to the too-happy sun which irritates me much, result in me being a half boiled egg or best, sunny side up. Ugh, i hate the weather. .____. 

And i'm officially sick and tired of that *dang* tagboard which was/were flooded by advertising means. I'm so gonna tear it down one day and slap the hell out them. 
Okay, this also means that i won't be blogging much since i'm kinda tired of it too. Nothing much to blog about nowadays. Was on twitter almost everyday to update my every day life with less thn 140 words. Pathetic much, but i still love twitter. :) 
So long! :)  

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