Sunday, March 27, 2011


Hello milo stylo! hehehehee. 
As you can see, it's photos taken @ phuket and YES, i'm not gonna upload my (so many) unglam pictures. Since the camera died on our third day, we didn't really take any pictures. Boohoo. :/
Their banana pancake was JJANG!!!!! OH-MY-GOSHHHHHH. It's super duper nice! I like the one with condensed milk! so sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet. *melts* 

Oh. We ate mac there too. Their portion is like .... what-the-cow as compared to Singapore's portion. Their regular meal is our upsize meal and their upsize meal is something we couldn't find in singapore. Seriously. Just look @ the 3rd last pic. The cup that i'm holding onto is the upsize drink which left me and daddy bloated like a cow. It's like the size of 7-11's extremely big gulp. Their fries was x2 salty as compared to ours and they give it like free. They make sure that the fries are fully full before serving it to us. They also have their own unique chilli sauce which i tasted once and never tasted it again. It taste horrible (no offense) I like thai chilli but this chilli is tasteless. It does have alittle bit of sweet taste but it just taste plain horrible. Nuggets was usual i guess. 
OH AND THEY HAVE TERRIYAKI PORK BURGER! I'm not a fan of it but it's edible :) 

I love their magnum ice cream. It cost like only SGD $1.90 while singapore sells it @ 4bucks. That's plain extortion you know. Hmph. So we ate it almost everyday for dessert. HEHEHEHE. But it's not always magnum though. 

The week was suckish thn usual. We had CAMP SUCCESS. Which literally means that we have camp, in the school and instead of doing what camps are supposed to do, we're gonna study. Yayness much. *sarcasm* -.- Our class had 2 hours of English straight, Almost 2 hours of chinese and 2 hours of English, 2 hours of combined science and 2.5 hours of maths i think. It's worst thn having normal lessons believe me. I rather have 2 hours of PE -_________________________-. 

Okay, i'm done blogging! Although i'm ranting @ the bottom part. HEHEHEHE. Have a great week guys! I'm gonna mug tomorrow ugh. what a great day will it be tomorrow. :/ 

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Before you go

안녕하세요! I'm finally back from Phuket. Yayness much! I miss singapore food so much! Gosh. Wonder how i'll survive if i'm away for more than 1 month w/o eating any of my favourite roti prata, fried carrot cake, chicken rice, cereal prawns and beehoon!

Phuket was ... EXTREMELY HOT. It's like 34 degrees. Oh my freaking cow. So now, you'll see me like a burnt chicken even though i'm always under the big umbrella. Nicolas say i look tanner than sis. Boohoo. Where got. Alamak, should have taken a picture of me before going to phuket and after going there. *Sigh*
Shall reveal the photos when i'm using my pc since i'm currently using the new lappy that daddy bought! :) So much better than the previous pink lappy.

IF YOU LOOK @ THE FIRST 3 PHOTOS, IT'S ME AND MY LOVELY W515! Kekekeke. Yes! We're finally @ Suntec convection hall level 6. After waiting for a long long time, we're finally here. It's unbelievable that time passes so quickly. Service WAS fully packed today which holds approximately 6,000 people? I'm not very sure though. But it was wayyyyyy crowded. SERVICE WAS WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE ~ (insert many many hearts)

Okay, i should be sleeping now. Yessss, now. Meeting Jocelyn kuku tomorrow so that she can pass me English 10 year series. Shoot this. Why must we buy it anyway. It's not as if.... (oh well. Shall not rant it down here) And oh goodnight/morning (consider that it's 2am in the morning and i'm gonna have eyebags tomorrow if i don't sleep nao!) Will update soon, i guess! ^^

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Be back, soon.

Wasssup! hehe. Just came by to say that i won't be blogging since i'm traveling to Phuket, Thailand tomorrow till friday. Yay! :) 
It's gonna be my first time sitting budget airline though, since my sis wanna try it. Why not? It would be so much worth it for us to spend it on shopping rather than on plane tickets. Hehehe. This means that we can buy more stuff! 

Speaking of Thailand, it's been quite a while since i went there. Around 6 years prolly? Haha. I still can remember our fishball nightmares. If i'm not wrong, Thai is famous for it's Tom Yam soup and ohmygosh, we drank fishball tom yam soup every meal for 5 days. I shall emphasize on 2 words: EVERY MEAL. When we came back, we didn't dare to eat fishball for around 2 months? It was yuckish horrible. Not that i don't like fishball tom yam soup but i can't stand eating the same thing over and over again for almost 1 week, not to mention every meal. Thank goodness my sis didn't want to join any tour guide or else .... ( you know what i mean :/) 

Ohohohohhh! Daddy told me that we're gonna go rafting again!!! YIPEEEEEEEEEEE! The one at Bali wasn't that fun except for the 4metre drop which resulted in me humiliating myself. Apparently, i roll 360 degree backwards and was stuck, with my butt facing up and me again screaming like a mad cow. And worst, EVERYONE was looking at me, laughing. Pffttttt, especially that angmoh guy! 
So now now now, i'm not gonna embarrass myself again while rafting. I won't! (Hopefully) Okeeeeh, will blog more about my trip once i'm back! Don't miss me. Kekeekeke! :)

Sunday, March 6, 2011

By myself

Sleepy heads! Hehehe. 
I'm the last one though, if you're looking out for me. HEHE. xD

50 pages plus of ENGLISH HOMEWORK, 1 Chinese compo, 5 questions of Maths and Chemistry notes page 2 and 3(which i've done! yay!) 
Seriously. Let's not get started on how i could finish my eng homework. It's insane, definitely. How could you finish up 50 pages in 2 days? Plus, there are still tons of other subjects homework left undone. 
It's my first time not loving 'Thank God It's Friday' 
Thanks. It just makes my weekends a terrible one. And i can't believe that i've done only 8 pages of it. I'm so not gonna finish the whole thing, you know. NO. (: 

On the bright side, service was fully packed today! Some even had to sit on the steps. Consider that this is gonna be our 2nd last service in Jurong West. Boohoo! I'm gonna miss the building, the super nice toilet, free mentos or fruit plus @ the reception counter, 1st and 2nd best coffee shop and the B4 auditorium! Doubt i could make it for the last service next week due to Mayflower 30 anniversary event. Ugh. 
Out of all the days, why next saturday? Gosh, i hate it. Have to decide whether to leave daddy @ school by himself or attend service. Ahhhh! :/

Okay, i hate to say this, but yes. I need to go and try to complete at least another 5 pages before i head to my comfy bed. Ugh, what a nightmare this is. I used to think that English is one of my better subjects. Was totally wrong about it when i received my marks last week. *slap myself* UGH. 
Okay, goodnight! opps, i meant morning! ^^ (p.s below is just lyrics. Don't anyhow think think ah! HAHA!)

please, just pass by pretending like you don't see me
please, don't even give me a glance
in the days that are like the sandy winds
don't give anything to me
folding away my one heart
hiding my one tear
like it's the first time we've seen each other, like we're strangers
just pass by. it has to be like that.

by myself, i say my love, send away my love
in the folds of the lonely accumulated memories, the tears hang

even if you're far away, i hope that you'll be happy
i bury my love deeply within my heart

in the next world, when we are born
then, we'll look at each other face to face
let's be born so that we don't lose weakly in front of fate again

so that i may be a flower in front of you
i'll sing a song for you
as one's girl, as one man's lover
i want to always live by your side

by myself, i say my love, send away my love
in the folds of the lonely accumulated memories, the tears hang

even if you're far away, i hope that you'll be happy
my love, deeply within my heart...

though it hurts, though it will hurt, i will never cry
because there is no such thing as farewell in my love

when this life ends, in the next world, us two
let's love, for sure. let's love, for sure.
us two.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Going crazy

Flunked common test big time. 
Ohmycow. I hate to say this, but it's really a HUGE gap between last year and this year. 
Especially chinese. My gosh. 
It's the first time i got so low for it. Not gonna blame anybody except myself. Boohoohoo. Yes yes, i-me- myself know deep down inside my heart that i haven't been studying for the papers. 
Ugh. Someone pleaseeeeeeeee motivate me. Can't stand the sight of myself welling up @ home after receiving my papers.

And yes. i hate the fact that i only achieve 0.1% of what my sis have. Okay, prolly none. 
I know i shouldn't be comparing myself with sis but i've been living in this world for 16 years and 3 months. I know better than anyone what i have. Or rather, i kept it well so no one would find out? 
Actions, words portrays what you're thinking and as a matter in fact, i know that some people love to compare siblings like who's better or not, who's prettier or not, who has it all while who's the pathetic little one.

I know. I know every of those. Oh. Of couse i know. I remembered it clearly.

Hmm.. basically.. i'm just speaking what goes into my mind. Nothing much. :)