Friday, December 31, 2010


( ohmycow, i look so unglam right? :/)

2010 wasn't a really good year for me, i guess. Like, things that aren't suppose to happen ended up happening right in your face. Things that you don't want them to happen, still happen.
Life is fair, but decisions that are made aren't.

Bwah. It's new year's eve and it's pouring like a mad cow. Hopefully it doesn't last long.
And for once, i wished it would stop raining.
Heading to sarah darling's house ltr on for appreciation night and i'm sure it would be lotsa fun :)

My resolution?
I just wanna be a happy x100 girl. Haha, like it would even happen.
I'm gonna study hard, like bull + cow. Okay, i'm not joking! Hmph. Lalala, it's true @ameliafatpig!
I'm not gonna let people despise me just because i'm a N lvl student. Who gives a cow? Sheesh.
And i'm gonna score darrrrrrn well for my O's so that @ameliafatpig would buy me something very expensive! Yay! But it ain't just for something expensive, i just wanna let people know that N lvl students aren't dumb.

Oh, and thankyou so much for the late birthday pressies and christmas pressies my friends! :)
Love love!

Sunday, December 26, 2010

There goes christmas!

Christmas is overrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr :/ 
But i've recieved lotsa pressies, (yipeeeeeeeeeeee) 
I had one of the best christmas celebration on christmas eve with my dearest w515. 
Maaaaaaaaaaan, they sure know how to make everything fun. 
Service was fully packed as expected and me, joel and vinc had to sit on the steps since fatpig's friend was late.
Besides having leg cramp, it was okaaaaaaaaaaaaay! :) 
Went over to popeyes @ flyer after service and surprisingly, it was empty. :O 
And we went to play with sparkles and sprays when the clock strikes 12am which marks christmas! HAHAHAHA, so fun! But i do look awfully ugly in the pictures and esp the one where my face was hidden by my hair. :< 

This year's christmas was much blissful thn the rest. 
I've got SS3 TICKET, ohmycow right? I know. It's 200bucks plus for one ticketttttt and i'm gonna see my siwonnie. MUAHAHAHHAAHA. Thankyou my lovely cussie! :) 
2) 50bucks from my ahgong cause he won the lottery! Double yay! $$$$$$$$ 
3) And many pressies from everyone! Triple yay! 

Hmmm... and i'm thinking of getting a haircut and treating myself to something since i've got my pay. HEHE. :D

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

What do you think?

I'm not angry.

I'm just pissed.
(P.s very)

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Friday, December 17, 2010

I'm so scared.
I'm scared that i can't make it for next year. 

Wednesday, December 15, 2010


If I go, if I go closer to you
I wonder what you may think, I can’t drum up the courage
If you go, if you go away from me
It is scary to figure out how to let you go
Perhaps, the reason I only look at you, like a fool,
is for fear that you may turn your face away, and
you and I may drift further apart
Even though i know looking is all i can do
Your heart may look away from me
And so we could even become strangers

I know, i'm like a fool

Friday, December 10, 2010

All i could think of is you.

It's 12am now and i'll be going off tomorrow to Bali. (:
I'm gonna have a blast there. HEH.
Toodies! :)

I saw someone who look literally like you
And i began to wonder if my eyes were playing tricks on me. 
Hopefully, i suppose.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Happy Birthday to me!

After waiting for many months, it's finally my birthday!
Woke up this morning and head to Thomson Plaza for Tim Sum. When we first step into the restaurant, whoa. We're their 1st customer and it was so quiet. O_O.
But it wasn't a Tim Sum buffet! :( Big Cussie say that buffets are only for saturdays. Hmphhhhhh.
So we ordered many many Tim Sums like ha gao, siew mai, chi qiong fan, cha siew and nian yong pao etc etc.
Ohmaaaaaaaaaaaan, so heavenly.

Went over to Far East after that with 2 cussies and fatpig.
Bought my birthday bag (2nd last pic) @ a cheap price! I shall not reveal the price but it's like 50% off.
Heh, thankyou small cussie! :D

Okay, i'm super tired nao and it's like almost 12 and and i'm going to work tomorrow AND i'm meeting Jac tomorrow! Awesome nugget :B

Pictures are uploaded according to the arrival of my pressies : 
The first was actually a advance birthday pressie from Gwen, 4th pic was also from her and the 5th pic was the overall pressies from her! Thankyou dear! :)
And a big awesome lovely Thankyou to everyone who wished me! 

I was waiting for it yet it didn't come. I guess you forgot about it.

Monday, December 6, 2010

I'm happy w/o you

And I hope the sun shines
And it's a beautiful day
And something reminds you
You wish you had stayed
You can plan for a change in weather and town
But I never planned on you changing your mind

A big big extremely huge Thank you to Fathin, Chen, Jocelyn, Perlin, Jasmine, Spencer & Yp for celebrating my early birthday! :) 
My first birthday pressie was from Jasmine & Perlin; a super cute mouse wallet! Yay!! Thankyouuuu girls! ^^
Second pressie was from Chen, Fathin & Spencer;  a small pouch and a super chio flower bangle! Thankyou!

Photos will be uploaded asap! 
Hohoho, i'm so busy this week, FOR ONCE!