Sunday, December 26, 2010

There goes christmas!

Christmas is overrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr :/ 
But i've recieved lotsa pressies, (yipeeeeeeeeeeee) 
I had one of the best christmas celebration on christmas eve with my dearest w515. 
Maaaaaaaaaaan, they sure know how to make everything fun. 
Service was fully packed as expected and me, joel and vinc had to sit on the steps since fatpig's friend was late.
Besides having leg cramp, it was okaaaaaaaaaaaaay! :) 
Went over to popeyes @ flyer after service and surprisingly, it was empty. :O 
And we went to play with sparkles and sprays when the clock strikes 12am which marks christmas! HAHAHAHA, so fun! But i do look awfully ugly in the pictures and esp the one where my face was hidden by my hair. :< 

This year's christmas was much blissful thn the rest. 
I've got SS3 TICKET, ohmycow right? I know. It's 200bucks plus for one ticketttttt and i'm gonna see my siwonnie. MUAHAHAHHAAHA. Thankyou my lovely cussie! :) 
2) 50bucks from my ahgong cause he won the lottery! Double yay! $$$$$$$$ 
3) And many pressies from everyone! Triple yay! 

Hmmm... and i'm thinking of getting a haircut and treating myself to something since i've got my pay. HEHE. :D

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