Monday, August 16, 2010

High above the chimney tops

Wasn't you referring to yourself? Hmmm.
okay, let's just say i'm directing this post indirect to you but still. you should know who you are :)
I don't wanna point fingers.

Firstly, you know how 'excited' one can be when getting back our prelim results. 
so MOSTLY everyone would go around asking how well was your paper or how much you score or even comparing the marks. 
but the thing is. hmm. okay, eg. person A use to score very high for that particular result last semester, but maybe because of the amount of careless mistakes A makes, the score tends to be lower thn the result A got last semester.
so when A denies to tell you how much A score, you boom. you asked why can't A just say how much A score? just say lah. 

when that particular incident happen on you, minus the part that you scored lower thn your previous semester, you did the same. 
Come on. for goodness sake. I've already known your marks, so what for hide from me? Moreover, you got higher thn me. doesn't that satisfy you? 
OH. or you're too concern that Person B might find out how much you got cause you know you can't bet B @ that subject. 
AH. I see :) 
but you see, the problem is that you improve so much more thn your previous semester yet you refuse to tell me how much you score when i asked umpteen times. plus, i already told you my results. 
what's there to hide? 

We already knew how much you got, we just wanna confirm if it's right or not. Is it so hard to confirm with us how much you got? 
when we told you, you got around that range for that particular subject, you were high.
so high. 
so when you got back your papers, i asked if that's the same as what we told you. 
your reply? 
hello? I heard it from someone who CHECKED your papers. 
How would i know anyway, i didn't get to see your papers. -_-. 
so when i was just trying to be nice asking if you needed me to help you check, you practically clunch your papers so tight and covering your marks.

that's when my alarm when OFF. really OFF
when another classmate asked you, you REFUSE to say out your marks even when that classmate told you how much they got which duh. they got lower thn yours. 
i got so much lower thn YOU, and i didn't bother trying to hide my marks when you asked. 
what's wrong with you actually? 
oh. and when you finally REVEAL how much you got, didn't you feel the moment of silents that pass through?
oh. and you told me you can get a few more marks higher and tht the cher mark it wrongly. And you suddenly became so smart telling me that CONFIRM the cher mark it wrongly. Hmmm.. did i mention that almost the whole lot of us got the same result as you? but we didn't even go around telling ppl CONFIRM the cher mark wrongly. I believe the cher did this for a reason, so imma gna wait till her lessons pop by this week. 

Yay. i'm done. i think i'm abit too sarcastic? but ohwell. who couldn't deny it? 
*inhale in, out in out in out in out* 
okay. i'm okay nao. 
I think :D
(P.s i'm so proud of myself for writing such a long post. Awww!)

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