Friday, April 16, 2010

In and out

Life's tough, so what? 
It doesn't change anything, does it?
So what's the point talking about how unfair life is. Just blame on our luck.

I've been such a fool to get so worked up by you. Come to think of it, how silly it was. Just forgive and forget. :> Although I'm not very sure if I'm still willing to talk to you.
I don't wanna get so worked up causeee... 

a) will have winkles :<
b) it's not worth it. 
c) I know you're such a bitch:)
d) just spoil my mood, only. 

Gwen told us that we must study at least 5chapters daily. So wtcow right. So many chapters :/ 
That's why.... 
this is gonna gonna gonna gonna be my last post till my papers are over (I think) 
I won't get tempted!!!!!!!! 

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