Monday, April 23, 2012

Tiny ounces of break

Hello readers, hehehe. :) My school life has officially started last week and i'm glad to say that i'm overall, quite satisfied with school. But then again, i've received like 3-4 homework, a individual and group project within that 1 week of school. And i thought poly life wouldn't be THAT hard, oh well. Life is always full of rocky roads huh. *sigh*

Went out with the 'Davanna's for lunch @ Nex and a shopping trip to Haji Lane today! Went over to Hot Tomato and ordered a grilled chicken with spaghetti set which comes along with a soup of the day (i forgot what it was. Opps, heh.) and a drink (ice lemon tea, for me!) Dined there for the 2nd or 3rd time though, can't remember much but food was good despite the fact that our dear Ivan decided to imitate the Merlion and started spiting water. It wasn't pleasant at all hence i gave him a 'light scolding' on his table manners. HAHA. Seriously la, he spat it on my hand and probably my soup too. *cries* The 5 of us laughed extremely loud while eating cause.. i don't really know, but it was damn funny. Talked about what's happening to us now and some memorable secondary school stories. Haha, we talked about those from our dinning place all the way to Haji lane. Wouldn't be surprised if we got stares from people since Ivan laughed so loudly in the train when it was so damn quiet. -_- Reena, Joanna, Chanyee and me kept on asking him to lower down his laughter but he just kept on laughing, ayio. He never change for the past 5 years huh. Tsk. Oh yah, when we got out of the train at Bugis, a china couple was complaining about us, right behind us (as i've heard from Ivan and Chanyee) I think it goes something like this: 

Us: Laughing so badly 
Them: started pointing at us 
While riding the escalator to the top, 
Them: *in chinese* You see, those Singaporeans like to cut queue so much and started complaining that we were damn loud or something like that. Exactly. 
What's wrong with them? Hello? It's not called cutting queue, it's just how we move no? Look at those people in front of you, they're all doing the same thing too. Just cause we're students doesn't mean we ought to receive this kind of bias treatment. Can't you see those people at the front or are you just too plain stupid to think that way. Oh. So.. should we complained about those people cutting queue at the front too? Wow. How narrow minded we are huh. I've been living here since i was born and the way we move to the escalator has always been the same. To add on, yes we were loud, but oh please, aren't you people loud too? Do we have to ask permission from you two before we could laugh? Well at least i don't speak so loudly like you people who only know how to complain about us and not bout' yourselves. Really. If you don't like it, go back to your country. Singapore ain't like your country and to say that we singaporeans love to cut queue? You must be out of your dang mind. I just hate the fact that you guys are welcomed by our government to come over here to stay put and have babies and you guys become so proud of it. Though you're staying here, please respect the way we; real singaporeans live. Don't assume that you guys are the big heads over here. Don't like the way we live, don't stay here than. Nobody is pointing a damn gun at you forcing you to stay here. 
Hmph. >:(

Anyway, i bought a belt with Joanna since 2 for $19 which means i got mine at $9. Manxzxzxz, i'm loving that black belt of mine. HEHE. Oh, i bought a new wooden specs for myself since i think it looks damn cute and nerdy at the same time. The price isn't cheap (hello, it's Haji lane we're talking bout' hah!) but i bought it at $34 since the salesgirl was kind enough to give me a discount and the fact that it's quite unique definitely gain my attention. Reena and Ivan each spend like round $100 but sadly, Chanyee didn't bought anything. After Haji, we went over to Bugis street and dinner at Swensens with Reena and Jo. Had so much fun and laughter today and let's meet up soon together k! I'm gonna miss you guys! :( (exception of Ivan since i'm in the same poly as him) Heh, kaaaaaay. Time to sleep and wake up to a brand new monday blues. *sigh* 

Monday, April 9, 2012

Headed down to NYP today with boon since we had to collect our student card. Was extremely upset at myself when i found out that i photocopied the wrong info when i reached there. *sigh* But thank goodness boon was kind enough to wait for me to rush home and photocopied the right one. Thankyou boon!! Hehe! 

Oh ya, i'll be ending my work this Sunday since i'm starting school the following day so yeeeeeeep, i'm gonna miss my peeps there :( especially my favourite yan lin! Haha! She's the one that always brighten up the atmosphere when it's super awkward or when she sees smoke coming out of my head. Though she's older than me, she's extremely childish and random. HAHA. Like when she doesn't have enough sleep the previous day, she'll start singing to herself (like Eugene) non-stop. And i found out that she loves to hit my butt using her cloth. HAHAHAHA. Okay la, but i still love her alot. HEHE. I'm gonna miss you my friend, don't miss me too okay! :)

Okeh dokeh, i'm too tired to post anymore, so ciao! :)

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Drops of jupiter

Hello! :) Yesssssh, i'm finally done with the new blogger update stuffs which i'm still having a little difficulties with. Took me a few hours to make sure that the layouts are exactly what i wanted before going to bed in the wee hours which resulted in me getting reprimanded again, by granny. *sigh* Nevertheless, am still proud of myself for accomplishing this! Oh, and speaking of blogger, i think i might not be having any tagboard since there's a comment button at the bottom of every post and yes, feel free to comment (i guess) + i'm extremely dang lazy to find one after spending so many hours on this blog itself. Guess i'm more than a smart phone idiot huh? Haha! 

Picture taken above was to let Jing see what i was wearing on her birthday through Whatsapp (which i did send her) and it ended up here since i couldn't find another decent picture, hehe. I'm wearing a one-piece romper which was bought in Bangkok last year and it belongs to sis but i wore it anyway, since she wears my clothing almost every day. Belt's mine and if i'm not mistaken, i bought it from Bugis Street 2nd level @ round $6 and below? Haha, if you're interested, go take a look there, there's this shop that sells hairbands, clips and belts at affordable price. Not too sure 'bout the hairbands though, hehe. Lastly (my favouriteeeeeeeeeeeeeeee) cardigan was bought online and it cost slightly round $20? DANG, I'M LOVIN' IT. Initially, while i was browsing the shop, i thought it was uhm.. how do you call it, overpriced? But yea, had a debate mentally and decided to get this gorgeous little thing since sis say she isn't too fond of it (YES!) Hahahaha. <- I did a caps 'yes' there since i don't like the idea of her wearing my clothing and if she's not fond of it, she won't be wearing it and it's GONNA BE MINEEEEEEEEEEEE. Not that i'm a stingy sister but the fact that when your sis is smaller size than you and when you wear her clothing she goes 'NOOOOOO. Don't expand it.' -___-
Bloody cow. I'm not that big size what. Yea, which equals to her wearing everything that belongs to me and me wearing less than 1/4 of her clothings since i'm not suppose to expand her clothes. HMPH. Oh, and to add it up, majority of her clothing are dresses/skirts; which in my opinion is too damn short. So i don't bother wearing it too. But oh well, i love my sis *pui* HEHE. :) 

OH YA. There's gonna be a 1-for-1 filet o'fish at Macs from 5-6th. HEHE. I just ate it yesterday though but i'm so gonna get it. But ugh. Had been having fast food for these past few days is making me fat fat fat fat. Needs to exercise again this week, prolly on a sunday evening so that nobody can really see my face HAHAHA. Whut? 

Hehe, to all fish lovers out there, GO GRAB IT MAN. HOHO. 

Have a great day ahead! :)

Tuesday, April 3, 2012


Hello there! :) Hehe, it's been such a long time since i've last posted & i realised i so happen to say this everytime i blog. Haha, sorry! Was busy working & working for the past months that i've forgotten about posting! But fear not, i'm here now ain't i? HEHE, i feel so conceited. *wink* 

Anyway, these past months flew by quickly and yes, it's time for me to start a new chapter in my education. New friends, new environment and definitely new subjects. I'm eggcited to meet new people although well.. i'm not very good at socialising at first, i guess. Hopefully i'm gonna be satisfied there since i'm the one who decided to go there. *sigh* I wouldn't completely say i'm not afraid or worried since school is starting soon like in less than 15 days. Definitely there would be ups and downs but yea, just hope that i fit in (i mean who wouldn't want it right?) 

Oh, right! I forgot to mention that i stopped working for my previous company, which is to sell educational cds in popular? Haha, it sounds silly right, standing 30% and sitting 70% between 1-9pm hopping someone would be kind enough to go over to your outlet to get those cds so you wouldn't fear getting fired. Wouldn't say i was successfully in selling in the 2-3 weeks when i first started and i was damn worried i would be the next one getting fired. But i did eventually sell a bunch of it and am very proud of myself! I sold those educational cds to this kind lady who is willing to buy from me even though she lives at woodlands which has another educational booth over there. She bought approximately $720+ worth of cds from me! Dang! Was extremely proud of myself and going off to work an hour earlier that day was paid off. In the end, i stopped working for them cause i find it alittle too stressful? in a way that you have to text your big boss every night your sales income and am afraid if you're gonna get fired next. I didn't stopped cause i was fired though the pay was extremely good, for me. It's like $7 per hour and it doesn't really require you to stand at all times but the fact is that you're gonna be extremely bored, literally asking friends to come visit you or have dinner with you just to kill off that boredom. And hence the reason i couldn't take it anymore. HAHA. 

Oh. And i'm currently working at a ice cream shop called 'Creamier' which is located at Toa Payoh Lorong 1, (near the market there.) You can head over to this website if you want more details! 
Working there is definitely more tiring than my previous job but with the company of my colleagues and bosses, i'm enjoying my work there! Hehe. :) 

On a side note, i'll probably be adding a tagboard again soon, since the new blogger updates states that there won't be any advertisements or something like that. Hoho, so if you have any questions you wanna ask me, feel free. (although i doubt i'll get any, haha!) Hmm..

Enjoy your day everyone, don't let minor issues affect your mood! :)