Friday, December 30, 2011

Time machine

I'm back again (as i've promised) ^^ But i won't be able to upload those pictures i took during the SNSD concert since my sis is using the computer right now. *sigh* So for today, i just uploaded belated pictures during my birthday and christmas. 

And A HAPPY BIG BIRTHDAY to Kuku Jocelyn Tan! Hohoho. Yes yes, i sat with you for 3 years (oh, the horror) and there are definitely times when i really feel like punching you in the face or literally killing you. Oh well, i guess that always happen since we're considered 'the 2 girls that always fight everyday.' True True, but hey, what's all the fun without fighting huh? I bet without all those endless quarrels with have with each other we wouldn't be that close huh? So.. I'm actually kind of glad that i had been seating with you for these past 3 years. I remembered that you used to hurl vulgarities in almost every sentence you spoke. Man, you blew up the last straw and i began screaming my heads off at you asking you to stop hurling those damn vulgarities. Hahaha, we didn't speak to each other for a few days. Well, basically my ignoring you cause it's not like the first time i've warn you not to speak those unbearable language while talking to me. Bwahahah, oh how much fun was it. And the 2 of us will always be goofing around, laughing till the whole class turn around to look at us (uhm, i think that will be me HEHE) and me making fun of you, as always! We'll be going our separate studying routes in less thn a month time and hopefully you'll get into the course that you wanted. Aww.. don't be so sad ok! HAHA. I know you'll miss me. I'll see you tomorrow at your party! :)

I don't like it and i know neither of you like it either. But can you guys just stop whining? What if that happens to you? Think about it. I absolutely hate it but i don't whine like you people. This matter is already more complicated thn it was and now you people wanna make this matter worst? It's your choice though, i'm tired of whining and blaming because it doesn't help nor does it work. If it does, i already have done it. It's just all too late. I just want to have some peace, is that too much to ask for? 

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