Saturday, September 25, 2010

Take a break.

An awesome day, with awesome people (: 

Dropping by to say that i won't be blogging till next next next mon/tues. N's are coming, next next week and i'm so afraid that i can't make it for next year. :( boohooooooo. But nevertheless, i'm gonna work with everyting i've have and zoom zoom! Hehehehe. 

Thanks darling for that pawnsome pressie you bought for me! Can't wait to see you soon! I miss you dear! HEHEHE! :D

Sunday, September 19, 2010

I hate.

I hate the fact that i'm sixteen.
I hate waking up early in the morning just to attend school.
I hate the fact that Singapore bans chewing & bubble gums.
I hate it when someone calls me stupid/no-brain.
I hate it when somebody try to act like a smart ass.
I hate it when people compare me to my sister.
I hate it when people have no creativity.
I hate the fact that i'm not smart like my sister.
I hate the feeling when someone looks down on me.
I hate reality.
I hate it when your closest friend/family don't understand how you feel.
I hate eating beans.
I hate the fact that i'm not tall.
I hate it when someone suspect me of something when i didn't even do anything.
I hate those miserable feeling.
I hate the fact that no matter how much i try, i couldn't do it.
I hate heights.
I hate darkness.
I hate it when people break their promises.
I hate it when people ignore me w/o telling me the reason why.
I hate the fact that jealously kills.
I hate the fact that you can't be here.
I hate doing homeworks.
I hate putting up a strong face when i'm not. 
I hate the fact that i have less thn 3weeks to study. 
I hate people who are selfish. 

Sometimes, i hate myself. 

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Turtle soup.

2nd day of school and it's hectic yet again. D: I've got tons of homework left undone & ohman. 
Thank goodness my coussie bought Ben&Jerry's ice-cream again! hehehe. This time round is turtle soup and another flavor! 
okay, gotta go mug. boohoo, someone save me :< 

Sunday, September 12, 2010


Looking back at how it all started, i couldn't help but laughed. If you're reading this, you must be laughing at it too. How silly was it at first, but it didn't seem like after many months. 
Anyway, ZOMG. tomorrow's back-to-the-usual-nagging-lessons-yet-again :< Okay. maybe i should just cancel that nagging word. They meant good. Yep yep. Heh. 
I've always stated that i must start working hard, but i didn't. Boohooooooooo. 
Okay, it's time to study! (and homework <.<)

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Bad hair day.

I hate having bad hair day(s). 
It just literally ruin my whole day. 
 I think my hair needs to grow faster. please? D: 

And i think i'm gonna sleep early today, consider that i slept @ around 4am yst. typical me. 
oh well. 
i'm thinking of changing my blogskin too :( 
but imma a lazy girl. 