Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Ugly duckling

4 years and 9 months since... 
I didn't want to think about it. About all these. About those moments that were never meant to happened in the first place. To be frank, i would definitely be a laughing stock if i told anyone else about this with the exception of prolly 2-3 people who knew. I really don't know if i should cry cause i'm too pitiful or laugh cause i'm just too dumb. It was never supposed to happened. I shouldn't have let it. I prolly shouldn't have let go too. But i guess.. it's all well. Right? 

Perhaps in the past, i was too childish, too immature. Didn't appreciate what's in front of me, what has been done for me. Thinking back, i really lost it. I really. really want to talked to you again tho i always tell myself it's too much for me to handle. And even if i did, will you be there? I doubt so. You've moved on, and i should too right? But why. After so many years, i'm still the only one hanging on? Why? Am i just too dumb to realise that fact that you've moved on. Perhaps, found someone who's so much better than me. Someone that understands you so well, someone that could lend you her shoulder when you need someone to lean on? I think i know perfectly who is it. It's your... 

Best Friend. 

I should have expected it tho. I mean, i'm just typing nonsense hoping it's not true but who cares really. I don't. I don't wanna know. I don't wanna see it. I really don't. 
I wanna erase everything. Everything that has to do with you. You've moved on, and now its my turn. Not because i'm forced to, rather, i think its time to let my heart realise that you won't be there anymore. 
Hopefully. Hopefully i'll find someone who could really be there for me. 

To you, pig (if you're ever looking at this) 
I guess it's time? Though it's been rocky, i appreciate what you've done for me. I really do. Maybe i'm just too late to realised it. But i really do. Thank you. Thank you for tolerating my nonsense, my anger, my... so many things. Haha, i doubt you even know about this post but anyways. I miss you. so much. and i'm letting go now. Be happy ok? :) 

From your forever and ever donkey.